Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Hasan Ayaz0
Banu Onaral0
Patricia A. Shewokis0
Scott C. Bunce0
Date of Patent
April 17, 2018
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 23, 2012
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Described herein are fNIR-based brain computer interfaces. Training of individuals to intentionally control neural activity in specific cortical areas, thereby up-regulating and down-regulating oxygenation levels in specific locations in the brain is also provided herein. Further, continuous and/or binary control over computing environments using fNIR brain computer interfaces. Further still, a scale for brain interface index for oxygenation of a portion of the brain is provided herein.
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