A quick adjust ratcheting pocket hole jig is presented. The pocket hole jig has a base with a removable upright connected thereto. A guide assembly is slidably received within the upright. Removable and replaceable side supports are connected to the base by way of a dove tail joint. Removable and replaceable adjustable stops are connected to the base by way of key holes. A clamp assembly is connected to the base having a handle portion and a clamp follower. The clamp follower has a ratcheting mechanism and a compressible plunger assembly. The clamp follower can quickly be adjusted using a button on the clamp follower that disengages the ratcheting member such that it can be quickly adjusted. When the handle is operated, it draws the clamp follower towards the upright and guide assembly compressing the spring loaded plunger assembly thereby quickly and tightly and adjustably holding a workpiece therebetween.