Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Hans A Hansen0
Date of Patent
November 2, 2021
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
November 19, 2020
0Patent abstract
A unique cultivar of Tall Phlox named ‘Ultraviolet’ characterized by vigorous, tall, dense, upright, multi-stemmed, winter-hardy habit with dark-green, lanceolate leaves. Flowering on large heavily branched panicles begins in late-July and continues for up to five weeks completely covering the top of the plant in peak season. Petals are dark magenta-violet with a deep magenta eye. The new plant shows good powdery mildew resistance. The new plant is especially suitable for a cut flower, for the landscape as a potted plant and in the garden as a specimen or en masse.
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