An apparatus for drying and storing an article, such as a baby bottle, after washing and rinsing includes a tray having a bottom face that is adapted to be supported by an underlying surface such as a counter-top, and an upper face. A plurality of pegs extend out from the upper face, and each peg is sized and arranged so as to be able to support an article, such as a baby bottle, after washing and rinsing. Each peg is mounted to the tray in such a manner as to be movable between a first storage position, wherein the entire peg is positioned relatively close to the upper face for storage and packaging, and a second, operative position. This permits the apparatus to be conveniently folded for packaging and storage purposes. Another aspect of the apparatus involves disk holding structure, connected to the upper face of the tray, for holding baby bottle disks in a location that is isolated from areas of the tray in which liquid may collect. This permits baby bottle disks to be dried and stored in a safe manner at a location that is convenient to a location at which baby bottles are being dried.