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Umbra Lab is developing synthetic aperture radar (SAR) microsatellites to deliver sub-meter imagery as a service. Umbra is an American company that is developing space-based radar for defense, intelligence and analytics solutions.
The company offers has focused on the creation of a constellation of radar satellites that hold SAR capabilities. The company produces weather imagery at all times of a day for weather conditions. Their constellation will be comprised of synthetic aperture radar micro-satellites. The company works to provide their products for commercial customers, and by extension, customers such as the US military, government, and US taxpayers.
The SAR micro-satellites that Umbra Labs uses are equipped with specific antennas that can produce large quantities of single-look, sub-meter SAR imagery. They produce images that aren't limited by the environmental conditions that limit traditional optical satellites. The radar can pick up frequencies of 1,200 MHz and higher and deliver 0.25 meter imagery.