Vacuum cleaner - a machine for cleaning dust and dirt from surfaces due to suction by air flow. Dust and impurities accumulate in the dust collector, from which they must be removed regularly. The first vacuum cleaners were made in the USA in 1869.
Vacuum cleaners can be divided by purpose into household and industrial, by mobility - into portable and stationary.
Booth created one of the first dust vacuum cleaners. Before the inventor introduced his version of the vacuum cleaner, cleaning machines simply cleaned the dirt, not sucked it up.
Booth created a large device that was powered by an internal combustion engine. Called "Puffing Billy", the vacuum cleaner was powered by a gasoline engine. Air was sucked in by a piston pump through a fabric filter.It does not contain any brushes. All processes are carried out by suction through long tubes with nozzles at the ends. Even though the machine was too bulky to use at home, the rationale for operating it was essentially the same as vacuum cleaners today. But later he created an electric motor model,but both designs were extremely bulky and had to be transported by horses in a wagon. English term. "vacuum cleaner" was first used by the company to promote Booth's invention in 1901.
Vacuum cleaner device
The main components of a modern vacuum cleaner are:
A centrifugal compressor that creates a vacuum and pumps air through the filters and air ducts of the vacuum cleaner. The compressor is almost always driven by a commutator motor;
Air purifier that separates dust from the air and collects it in dust collectors.
A set of interchangeable nozzles, brushes for effective removal of dirt from various surfaces (carpets, parquet, furniture, hard-to-reach places, etc.)
Typically, a vacuum cleaner is equipped with a flexible air hose (with the exception of small-sized manual models and some "American" vacuum cleaners with a compressor built into the pipe with a brush or nozzle), an extension pipe, as well as nozzles that expand its functionality (pulverizer nozzles, nozzles for pumping inflatable balls, etc.). Vacuum cleaners are floor, manual, knapsack, brush-vacuum cleaners, centralized and automatic (robotic)