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VeeFriends is an NFT platform developed by Gary Vaynerchuk and offers 10,255 tokens consisting of 9400 admission tokens, 555 gift goats, and 300 access tokens, including many one-of-ones.
The tokens are comprised of doodles and drawings from Vaynerchuk that are backed with NFT technology and also act as redeemable vouchers. For example, the "FaceTime Frog" token allows the holder to redeem a one-on-one virtual access pass with Vaynerchuk. All tokens also provide a three-year admission token to VeeCon, an annual super-conference for the platform.
The main ambition of VeeFriends is to create meaningful intellectual property and create a large community.
VeeFriends tokens can only be purchased with Ethereum through a non-custodial digital wallet of the user's choice via Dutch auction. Vaynerchuck will be contributing to renewable energy supports due to the environmental impacts of NFTs and crypto mining as a way to offset the carbon footprint of VeeFriends.