Verasity supports the infrastructure and tools for video publishers to serve rewarded video and loyalty programs using VRA for their viewers.
If you would like to know where to buy Verasity, the top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading in Verasity stock are currently OKXOKX, Huobi GlobalHuobi Global, KuCoinKuCoin, HitBTCHitBTC, and You can find others listed on our crypto exchanges page., another product of Verasity aggregates publishers for YouTubeYouTube, TwitchTwitch, VimeoVimeo, JWPlayer, BrightcoveBrightcove, VideoJS, KalturaKaltura, FlowPlayer, iVideoSmart and publishers on other platforms were struggling to earn revenue for their work. Advertisers are not willing to spend as much money on current advertising platforms like Google and Facebook because they are not confident that humans are looking at it all. Verasity’s proof-of-view protocol layer technology detects and eliminates fraud in real-time. It uses over 200 touchpoints to ascertain whether humans or bots are watching a video. Verasity also hopes to expand its proof-of-view technology and data storage technology to non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Verasity’s on-chain verification will make NFTs more valuable and add an extra layer of authentication to ownership claims.