SBIR/STTR Award attributes
VIA offers customers TAC™, a software platform to enable sophisticated, secure, privacy-protected data analysis. Unlike every other data access solution, TAC™ brings an analyst's algorithms to where data is located, runs analysis there, and returns only authorized answers back to the analyst. By providing analysts only remote access to data, there are no new copies subject to misuse. TAC™’s cornerstone is a set of nine pending patents for VIA-developed techniques in the field of privacy-protected federated analysis (i.e., simultaneous analysis of multiple distinct datasets). TAC™ offers a range of privacy protection features ranging from basic data disguising and anonymizing to mathematically verifiable techniques like Differential Privacy and 2048-bit RSA Additive Homomorphic Encryption. Through Blockchain-based Smart Contracting, data owners set and maintain comprehensive control over privacy protection settings and can audit compliance during and after completion of analysis processes. TAC™ offers sophisticated tools to speed cleaning data and harmonizing formats across multiple datasets, enabling analysts to work as if data had actually been centralized in one location. These tools include advanced AI models (e.g., T-SNE algorithms) to identify data issues, and secure Foreign Data Wrappers to allow data to be accessed across multiple database types.