Federal subject of Russia
Federal subject of Russia
General information about the region
Name of the region: Voronezh region.
Regional center: city of Voronezh.
Population of the regional center: 2,327,703 people (as of January 1, 2019)
Distance from Moscow to the regional center: 515 km.
Area: 52,400 km² (Voronezh region), 596 km² (Voronezh)
Big cities:
Borisoglebsk - 62,669 people
Liski - 54,184 people Rossosh - 62,884 people
Ostrogozhsk - 32,826 people
The largest districts of the Voronezh region in terms of population:
Liskinsky municipal district - 98,490 people;
Rossoshansky municipal district - 92,481 people;
Novousmansky municipal district - 83,734 people;
Borisoglebsk city district - 72,077 people;
Semiluksky municipal district - 66,856 people;
Ostrogozhsky municipal district - 57,817 people;
Pavlovsky municipal district - 53,473 people;
Klacheevsky municipal district - 50,548 people.
Geographical position
The Voronezh Region is part of the Central Federal District. The administrative center of the region is the city of Voronezh.
The city of Voronezh is located on the border of the Central Russian Upland and the Oka-Don Plain between 51°30' (Tavrovo) and 51°50' north latitude (Kozhevenny cordon); and 39°04' (Podkletnoye) and 39°25' (Somovo) east longitudes. Naturally, the city is located in the south of the Central Russian forest-steppe. Voronezh is located on the left and right banks of the Voronezh River, 8.5 km from its confluence with the Don River, 515 km south-southeast of Moscow.
Voronezh, like the entire region, is located in the time zone, designated by the international standard as the Moscow Time Zone (MSK). The offset from UTC is +3:00. Time in Voronezh corresponds to the geographic standard time.
Information about the region
The Voronezh Region is a region with a rich history and a unique spiritual and historical heritage. The capital of the Russian Chernozem region - the city of Voronezh - is a modern developed city with a million inhabitants of the European type and has the status of a scientific, industrial and cultural center. This is one of the largest and most interesting centers among the regions of central Russia, a city with a rich history, a real tourist treasure for inquisitive travelers. Voronezh annually receives tens of thousands of tourists.
The region's tourist potential is based on unique natural, historical and cultural objects - in terms of the number of historical and cultural monuments of federal and regional significance, the Voronezh Region ranks 5th among 18 constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Central Federal District, and one of the first places in the Central Chernozem Region.
Federal subject of russiaRussia
Federal subject of russia