SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Voxel8 additive manufacturing system enables printing of complex 3D geometries and finely tuned mechanical properties such as tensile modulus, strength, elongation, adhesion on flexible substrates, e.g. textiles. It could be used to integrate mechanical structures in clothing, footwear and equipment to enhance grip, support, cushioning, abrasion resistance. It can also enable “smart” components by integrating sensors, wiring and connectors ergonomically in clothing and footwear. These integrated structures have to survive field use conditions in the field such as humidity, temperature, multiple flex cycles, wash-dry processes, etc. with minimal discomfort or impaired mobility for personnel using them. It can monitor the physical state of military personnel during missions, promote communications between troops and base stations, and provide all-round situational awareness. Voxel8’s printhead has unique ability to change elastomeric material formulations and mechanical properties on-the-fly to create seamless transitions from soft/flexible to stiff/rigid ones. It can provide broad range of feature widths, thickness, resolution, surface texture, and adhesion on flexible substrates. Voxel8 ActiveLab® turnkey printing system comprises hardware, software and materials, as well as the required environmental controls and safety features. It has been sold in the market and is being used and evaluated by commercial customers.