Low-level cross-platform 2d and 3d graphics api
Vulkan is a cross-platformmultiplexed, industrylow-level standardgraphics enablingAPI developersdeveloped toand target amaintained wide range of devices withby the same graphicsKhronos APIGroup.
Vulkan provides a lot of options to the graphics programmer, and more opportunities for optimization, but due to the large amount of control the programmer has, it is much more difficult to learn.
Initially, Vulkan was conceived as "new generation OpenGL" or "glNext", but after the announcement, the company abandoned this name in favor of Vulkan.
Vulkan is based on AMD's Mantle API technologies.
Vulkan is a cross-platform industry standard enabling developers to target a wide range of devices with the same graphics API.
Low-level cross-platform 2d and 3d graphics api