Job platform and event organizer with focus on software development.
The events are cyclic. A world congress is held each year as well as local events. Event size vary between 2000-8000 attendees. World Congress takes place in BerlinBerlin and smaller local events (200-2000 attendees).
The job platform is Europe centricEurope-centric and offers Job ads in the form of cards. Basic services are free, premium version according to price list on their web page.
Basic services are free, premium version according to price list on their web page.
The events are cyclic. A world congress is held each year as well as local events. Event size vary between 2000-8000 attendees (based on web page). World Congress takes place in Berlin and smaller local events (200-2000 attendees).
The following statement from their webpage is a good look into their developer centric view of the world in the event description.
Developers are taking charge of the world in which they create, apply and disrupt our society. This is your chance to learn from industry leaders and gain the skills needed for the future.