Whale Islands is the first AAA-quality resource management game on blockchain.
Whale Islands is the first AAA-quality resource management game on blockchain.
Whale Islands is the first blockchain-based resource management game focused on fun. Players compete with others and become a giant of trade on a massively multiplayer game. Whale Islands provides simplified and gamified business development experience to its' players. The game has been designed for both casual and hard core gamers. While casual gamers play in simple strategies, hard core gamers spend time to create new strategies.
Whale Islands is the first game of a play-and-earn game series. Players are trading in-game goods such as iron and wood as merchants. The game will be available on mobile and browser platforms. Therefore, the game universe is semi-realistic and low-poly. While Whale Islands players transport the needed goods between islands, Viceroy players will produce and consume the goods.
Whale Islands provides varied strategy possibilities to its' users. With instant events and different types of crew members, players can combine different moves. The game design provides different levels of gameplay for casual players as well as hardcore gamers. Players who collaborate and explore will gain big advantages.
Whale Islands is the first P2E game for our team. It is connected with the second upcoming game which we call Viceroy at the moment. To share and collaborate with our community we use Discord and Telegram.
A solid decentralized autonomous organization for casual resource management and strategy niche to earn while having fun.
Creating games in different genres that will communicate with each other in the same metaverse.
Whale Islands is the first AAA-quality resource management game on blockchain.