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Wild Basin Investments invests in software and technology-enabled companies as well as selected life science opportunities alongside other venture capital firms, family offices, PE funds, and angels. Wild Basin Investments is located in Austin, Texas with a long-standing portfolio emphasis on private early-stage and growth investments.
Wild Basin Investments operates as an evergreen venture capital firm. A typical Wild Basin portfolio company will see the initial investment at the Series A or B stage. They reserve capital for follow-on investment into their portfolio companies. Wild Basin has a flexible mandate that allows them to consider varied investment structures, including debt offerings.
Wild Basin was formed in November 2007 and is the most recent investment vehicle for a group of individuals who have participated in venture and angel investing since 1987. In addition to their early stage activity, Wild Basin provides portfolio management for pre-Wild Basin equity and real estate investments. As a closely held private investment company, they do not accept outside funds and have broad discretion over how they deploy capital.