WorkQuest is a global end-to-end jobs marketplace powered by Blockchain / DeFi
Cryptocurrency Work Quest (WQT)
The price for Work Quest (WQT) cryptocurrency is currently 0.0050 $ (15 min delay), daily range of currency change is 0.0048 - 0.0059 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume - 30.23K $, price variance -14.27% .
The highest trading volume belongs to the pair WQT/USDT at the BitMart exchange
What is Work Quest (WQT)
WorkQuest is anthe online marketplaceMarketplace and decentralized paymentPayment providerProvider connecting employers with employees anywhere in the world and powered by Smart Contracts governed by DAO.
The platform incentivizes employers and employees to deal honestly and prudently using its Rating System with all the feedback is stored in a blockchain. As platforms act as a facilitator of transactions between employer and the employee, different DeFi products available for platform participants, such as Savings, Retirement & Disability Insurance, Liquidity mining and Lending