Xoogler is a community of current and ex-Google employees that invest in other Google employee-founded start-ups.
Xoogler is a community of investors made up of Google employees (both ex and current) that invest in each other's startupsstart-ups. Xoogler was founded in 2015 by Ethan Beard, Christopher Fong, and Kushagra Shrivastava.
Xoogler members have access to events like founder lunches and various informative seminars. Previous events and topics include the following:
Xoogler Ventures was launched in November 2020. Its investment amounts range from $50,000 to $200,000. Xoogler Ventures connects ex-Google employee startupstart-up founders to the Xoogler community of investors.
Xoogler School is an eight weekeight-week educational program that prepares students for their future careers, designed for those taking a gap semester. Students learn basic career skills from various professionals; suchskills asinclude how to pitch themselves for a job and stand out to companies. Xoogler School was founded in August 2020.
August 2020
Xoogler is a community of ex and current Google employees that invest in other Google employee-founded startups.
Xoogler is a community of investors made up of Google employees (both ex and current) that invest in each other's startups. Xoogler was founded in 2015 by Ethan Beard, Christopher Fong, and Kushagra Shrivastava.
Xoogler members have access to events like founder lunches and various informative seminars. Previous events include:
Xoogler Ventures was launched in November 2020. Its investment amounts range from $50,000 to $200,000. Xoogler Ventures connects ex-Google employee startup founders to the Xoogler community of investors.
Xoogler School is an eight week educational program that prepares students for their future careers, designed for those taking a gap semester. Students learn basic career skills from various professionals such as how to pitch themselves for a job and stand out to companies. Xoogler School was founded in August 2020.
November 2020
April 2016
Xoogler is a community of current and ex-Google employees that invest in other Google employee-founded start-ups.