Zvi Reznic co-founded AMIMON in 2004.
Zvi Reznic co-founded AMIMON in 2004. He has over 20 years of R&D experience in communication, video compression, and IC design. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Tel-Aviv University, for his research on joint-source-channel coding (Information Theory). Prior to his current position, Reznic was manager of Enterprise Wi-Fi research at Toga Networks, where he developed a specialty long-range, fast mobility, Wi-Fi solution. Reznic also co-founded the medical devices companies Spotlight Technologies (stroke rehabilitation), and Resmetrix (respiratory monitoring). Prior to that, he served as a design manager at Texas Instruments, managing the algorithms and IC development of cable modem ICs. Dr. Reznic is the inventor and co-inventor of over 45 registered and pending patents. He also holds an M.Eng from Cornell University and a B.Sc from Tel-Aviv University, both in Electrical Engineering.
Zvi Reznic co-founded AMIMON in 2004. He has over 20 years of R&D experience in communication, video compression, and IC design. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical EngineeringElectrical Engineering from Tel-Aviv University, for his research on joint-source-channel coding (Information Theory). Prior to his current position, Reznic was manager of Enterprise Wi-Fi research at Toga Networks, where he developed a specialty long-range, fast mobility, Wi-Fi solution. Reznic also co-founded the medical devices companies Spotlight Technologies (stroke rehabilitation), and Resmetrix (respiratory monitoring). Prior to that, he served as a design manager at Texas Instruments, managing the algorithms and IC development of cable modem ICs. Dr. Reznic is the inventor and co-inventor of over 45 registered and pending patents. He also holds an M.Eng from Cornell University and a B.Sc from Tel-Aviv University, both in Electrical Engineering.
Zvi Reznic co-founded AMIMON in 2004.
Zvi Reznic co-founded AMIMON in 2004. He has over 20 years of R&D experience in communication, video compression, and IC design. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Tel-Aviv University, for his research on joint-source-channel coding (Information Theory). Prior to his current position, Reznic was manager of Enterprise Wi-Fi research at Toga Networks, where he developed a specialty long-range, fast mobility, Wi-Fi solution. Reznic also co-founded the medical devices companies Spotlight Technologies (stroke rehabilitation), and Resmetrix (respiratory monitoring). Prior to that, he served as a design manager at Texas Instruments, managing the algorithms and IC development of cable modem ICs. Dr. Reznic is the inventor and co-inventor of over 45 registered and pending patents. He also holds an M.Eng from Cornell University and a B.Sc from Tel-Aviv University, both in Electrical Engineering.
Zvi Reznic co-founded AMIMON in 2004.