Everest Coin is a revolutionary Play to Earn NFT Game. Here to disrupt the blockchain world, EVCoin holders earn weekly lottery of $1000.
EverestCoin (EVCoin) is a fast-growing Play to Earn Metaverse Gaming token that aims to capture the larger gaming and crypto audience through its hyper-realistic survival game, PeakXV.
The PeakXV Game is built around Mount Everest, with players having the ability to choose NFTs that will serve as their characters in the game. Players will complete a set tasks in the game, including fight vicious enemies and brave the harsh weather. The completion of these tasks will complete a mission, earning players new NFTs and EVCoin tokens that can be sold on the EVCoin NFT Marketplace, and other secondary marketplaces such as Opeansea.
The EVCoin token has a total supply of 1 trillion tokens, with 14% already burnt. A 1% burn mechanism on both buy and sell ensures the token supply continues to reduce.
EverestCoin is also developing both an ICO and Staking platform for users to participate in initial coin offerings and stake their EVCoin tokens to earn more tokens and NFTs.
Everest Coin is a revolutionary Play to Earn NFT Game. Here to disrupt the blockchain world, EVCoin holders earn weekly lottery of $1000.
Everest Coin is a revolutionary Play to Earn NFT Game. Here to disrupt the blockchain world, EVCoin holders earn weekly lottery of $1000.