Cryptocurrency attributes
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Hachiko Inu is a token based on the famous story of Hachiko. As such, Hachiko Inu token rewards loyalty, which is why 5% of all transactions go to their holders. Such a high percentage is rare, but we want to support the holders of these tokens.
Hachiko Inu is founding token for Hachiko Ecosystem.
Hachiko Inu is currently in stage 4 of 6 in its roadmap. It further plans to launch Hachiko Exchange and create mobile app, that would make trading easy.
How many Hachiko Inu (INU) tokens are there in circulation?
Maximum supply of our tokens is one quadrillion. All tokens were minted, when Hachiko Inu project was deployed.
51% of total supply was burned to make token completely safe for investors.
27% of total supply has been locked to Uniswap.
12% of total supply will be used as liquidity for Hachiko Inu Swap.
The remaining 10% will be burned at a later stage to increase the price of existing tokens.
Where can I buy Hachiko Inu (INU)?
You can buy Hachiko Inu on MintMe, Hotbit and Uniswap. We recommend holding Hachiko Inu tokens in MetaMask wallet, which guarantees you getting 5 % reward from all transactions.