i5invest is an incubator, investment bank, private equity firm, and venture capital that provides seed capital to technology companies.
i5invest is an incubator, investment bank, private equity firm, and venture capital that provides seed capital to technology companies. The firm was founded by Markus Wagner in 2007, in Vienna, Wien, Austria.
The firm is an international tech, corporate finance advisory, investor and business accelerator. The firm's core capabilities and philosophy is to innovate, inspire, incubate, invest, and internationalize. The firm looks to invest in companies such as TriLite Technologies, bimspot, WeAreDevelopers, TourRadar, wikifolio, KochAbo, and Runtastic.
The firm is an international tech, corporate finance advisory, investor and business accelerator. The firm's core capabilities and philosophy is to innovate, inspire, incubate, invest, and internationalize. The firm looks to invest in companies such as TriLite Technologies, bimspot, WeAreDevelopers, TourRadarTourRadar, wikifolio, KochAbo, and Runtastic.
The firm is an international tech, corporate finance advisory, investor and business accelerator. The firm's core capabilities and philosophy is to innovate, inspire, incubate, invest, and internationalize. The firm looks to invest in companies such as TriLite Technologies, bimspot, WeAreDevelopers, TourRadar, wikifolio, KochAbo, and RuntasticRuntastic.
The firm is an international tech, corporate finance advisory, investor and business accelerator. The firm's core capabilities and philosophy is to innovate, inspire, incubate, invest, and internationalize. The firm looks to invest in companies such as TriLite TechnologiesTriLite Technologies, bimspot, WeAreDevelopers, TourRadar, wikifolio, KochAbo, and Runtastic.
The firm is an international tech, corporate finance advisory, investor and business accelerator. The firm's core capabilities and philosophy is to innovate, inspire, incubate, invest, and internationalize. The firm looks to invest in companies such as TriLite Technologies, bimspot, WeAreDevelopersWeAreDevelopers, TourRadar, wikifolio, KochAbo, and Runtastic.
The firm is an international tech, corporate finance advisory, investor and business accelerator. The firm's core capabilities and philosophy is to innovate, inspire, incubate, invest, and internationalize. The firm looks to invest in companies such as TriLite Technologies, bimspot, WeAreDevelopers, TourRadar, wikifolio, KochAbo, and Runtastic.
i5invest is an incubator, investment bank, private equity firm, and venture capital that provides seed capital to technology companies. The firm was founded by Markus Wagner in 2007, in ViennaVienna, Wien, Austria.
i5invest is an incubator, investment bank, private equity firmprivate equity firm, and venture capital that provides seed capital to technology companies. The firm was founded by Markus Wagner in 2007, in Vienna, Wien, Austria.