Land to Empire is a play-to-earn mobile ready strategy game on Near Protocol.
On October 22, the top 1,000 players will be whitelisted for token sales and invited to the DAO.
But not everything is measured in money. In the game it is important to get cups for winning attacks and defenses of your lands. Cups are the way to the top players.
From the very beginning you have the ability to create NFTs of your assets and sell them on the built-in Marketplace. You will have to make the hard choice to sell the asset now or wait until the asset is upgraded to a higher level and then sell it at a higher price.
"Land to Empire" is a real-time strategy in which the player must carefully plan and calculate each action.
Gold and elixir can be used to build and upgrade defences and traps that protect a player's village from attacks by other players, as well as to build and upgrade buildings. Elixir used to train and upgrade troops and spells. Gems are a premium token. Every owned in game token gamer can sell on DEX's.
LandtoEmpire is a multiplayer game in which players create communities called clans, train troops, and attack other players to earn resources. The team's income is made up of commission from token withdrawals and royalties from the sale of NFTs.
The gamer can take buildings from the game to the marketplace in order to earn money from their NFT sale. The buyer can enter the purchased asset into the game and continue to use its properties, as well as to pump levels.
Land to Empire is a play-to-earnplay-to-earn mobile ready strategy game on Near ProtocolNear Protocol.
The game team supports the Proof-of-Game standard - this means that the creators of the game will not trade tokens and nftnft, all tokens put up for sale will come from real players with a link to their land. The team's earnings are royalties from p2p nft trading. Everything else is the players' earnings.
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Land to Empire is a play-to-earn mobile ready strategy game on Near Protocol.
@LandToEmpire is a play-to-earn mobile ready strategy game on @NEARProtocol. The game is set in a fantasy world where the player is the lord of the land.
The game is set in a fantasy world where the player is the lord of the land. In LandtoEmpire, players have to upgrade their land using resources gained from attacking other players lands or producing them on their land. To attack, players train different types of troops using resources. The main resources are gold and elixir. Players can unite into clans, which can then participate in clan battles, and communicate with each other.
A premium GEM token is used to speed up construction and upgrades. GEMs can be obtained by passing levels and completing various tasks.
Players can trade game tokens on the exchange, withdraw and deposit them into the game.
To trade units in the game built nft-marketplace.
The game team supports the Proof-of-Game standard - this means that the creators of the game will not trade tokens and nft, all tokens put up for sale will come from real players with a link to their land. The team's earnings are royalties from p2p nft trading. Everything else is the players' earnings.