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Which offers advanced view of blockchain data, including Dashboard, Blocks/Transactions, List of validators, Governance, Validators' Uptime, Parameters, State Sync section, Consensus. It is also possible to import accounts by Keplr, Ledger via WebUSB, Ledger via Bluetooth, Address (Observe Only).
Now it's supporting a variety of networks such as Agoric, Akash, Axelar, Band, Beezee, Bitcanna, Crescent, Desmos, Evmos, Iris, Juno, Osmosis, Rizon, Gravity Bridge, Stride, Umee, and more... is maintained by the community, Everyone could add a chain to
Ping Explorer is designed to explore blockchain data as real as possible, therefore there is no cache, no pre-processing. Ping Explorer does not cache/save blockchain data on its server. Ping Explorer only fetch data from Cosmos full node via LCD/RPC endpoints. We call it "Light Explorer".
The team has two considerations:
- Trust, In decentralize system, everything controlled by one single team/organization could be risks. So we decided to co-build with the community.
- Limited Resources: Ping Dashboard will list hundreds cosmos-based blockchains in the future, it's impossible for our team to run validators or fullnodes for all of those chains.