webMethods was a Fairfax, Virginia-based software company founded by Caren Merrick that was acquired by Software AG in 2007. webMethods software products are still available from Software AG.
webMethods is a company founded by Caren Merrick and Phillip Merrick on January 1, 1996. The company is headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia. webMethods is a subsidiary of its parent organization, Software AG. The organization is classified as both a company and an organization.
webMethods has a CIK number of 1035096 and is listed on the stock market under the symbol WEBM. The company has been assigned two patents.
WebMethodswebMethods was a Fairfax, Virginia-based software company founded by Caren Merrick that was acquired by Software AG in 2007.2007. WebMethodswebMethods software products are still available from Software AG.
WebMethods was a Fairfax, Virginia-based software company founded by Caren Merrick that was acquired by Software AG in 2007. TheWebMethods software isproducts are still available as a product and service offrom Software AG.
WebMethods was a Fairfax, Virginia-based software company founded by Caren Merrick that was acquired by Software AG in 2007. The software is still available as a product and service of Software AG.
WebMethods was a Fairfax, Virginia-based software company founded by Caren Merrick that was acquired by Software AG in 2007.
April 5, 2007