How does windows prefetch works?
it makes a cache file of all your application you’ve used before, so it can open those applications in much less time.
Prefetch came first in windows XP version. and now It is still used in Windows 10.
So What is windows Prefetch?
prefetch makes cache files of your applications so you can access them faster. in a straightforward way, prefetch helps you to slow down application loading time.
let’s understand what is prefetch with a little example.
you are reading something on a website on your computer, and suddenly your computer goes off, and the next time when you open your computer, you realize all your tabs and webpages are still open just the way it was before.
have you ever thought about why?
it is because your browser made a cache file of all your tabs and webpages. so that you could have accessed it later,
prefetch works exactly like this. prefetch makes a cache file of all your software, boot files, and other stuff.
Prefetch helps you to open your most frequently used application by reducing the loading time of a particular application resource. prefetch is basically an important time-saving tool.
What is windows prefetch?
Prefetching is the loading of a resource before it is required to decrease the time waiting for that resource. Examples include instruction prefetching where a CPU caches data and instruction blocks before they are executed, or a web browser requesting copies of commonly accessed web pages. Prefetching functions often make use of a cache.
Prefetching is computer science term, it’s a technique that allows a computer to silently fetch the necessary resources needed to display content that a user might access in the near future. so resources can be accessed in less time. these resources are chosen based on the user’s daily behavior.
Role of an IDP
The role of an IDP system in the network is often confused with access control and application layer firewalls. Although there are similarities in the way that IDP and firewalls approach a network or system, there are fundamental differences regarding the security functionalities. An IDP is in most cases designed to operate completely invisibly on the network. An IDP does not have an IP address for the segments that are monitored and do not respond directly to the network traffic, but monitor the network traffic silently as it passes. Important advantages are that the IDP technology gives a better insight with regard to various operations that take place on the network such as overactive hosts, bad logins, unauthorized content and other network and application layer functionalities.
What is an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)?
An Intrusion Prevention System is a security device that can monitor network and/or system activities for undesirable behaviour. An Intrusion Prevention system can react to this in real-time by blocking or preventing such activities. Network-based IPS systems operate 'in-line' so that all network traffic can be monitored for malicious codes and attacks. If an attack is detected, the IPS can stop (suspect) the "suspicious" packets, while the remaining network traffic can continue.
Intrusion Prevention System/Intrusion Detection System
What is an Intrusion Detection System?
An IDS (Intrusion Detection System) is an automated system that detects unauthorized access to a network information system. Unauthorized access provides information about the confidentiality, integrity or information of information. This can range from hits by specialized hackers to script kiddies that are automated - and not used. This in combination with an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is an Intrusion Detection Prevention System (IDP).
System IPS/IDS
Suricata is an open source network threat detection engine that provides capabilities including intrusion detection (IDS), intrusion prevention (IPS) and network security monitoring. It does extremely well with deep packet inspection and pattern matching which makes it incredibly useful for threat and attack detection.
While many of the features and functionalities are similar to Snort – Suricata is different in several important ways:
- It’s multi-threaded so a single instance can perform at much higher traffic volumes;
- There is more support available for application layer protocols;
- It supports hashing and file extraction; and
- It has hooks for the Lua scripting language, which can be used to modify outputs and even create complex and detailed signature detection logic.
System IPS/IDS
What is windows prefetch?
Intrusion Prevention System/Intrusion Detection System