Novabit Capital is an investment firm based in Singapore.
Novabit Capital is an investment firm based in Singapore. We focus on investing in emerging blockchain & crypto assets startups.
November 17, 2021
Novabit Capital is an investment firm based in Singapore.
Yamaguchi Financial Group is a Japanese financial group comprising Yamaguchi, Momiji and Kitakyushu banks, as well as several financial companies. The group was established on October 2, 2006, headquartered in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture . In the list of the largest public companies in the world , Forbes Global 2000 for 2021 ranked 166
Yamaguchi Financial Group, Inc. provides banking and other financial services. It operates through the Banking and Others business divisions. The Banking division offers deposits, loans, domestic and foreign exchange, securities trading, and investment securities. The Others division includes securities, credit card, and leasing business. The company was founded on October 2, 2006 and is headquartered in Shimonoseki, Japan.
The group's network has 273 branches in Japan, as well as 3 overseas branches, 2 in China and one in South Korea [2] .
As of March 31, 2021, the group's assets amounted to 12 trillion yen ($109 billion), of which 7.89 trillion were in loans, 1.81 trillion in cash and short-term deposits in banks, 1.79 trillion in securities; accepted deposits amounted to 10.04 trillion yen [2] .
Bank Yamaguchi ( Yamaguchi Bank ) - headquarters in Shimonoseki , 131 branches in Japan and three abroad, assets of 6.8 trillion yen [2] .
Momiji Bank ( Momiji Bank ) - headquarters in Hiroshima , 105 branches, assets of 3.77 trillion yen [2] .
Bank of Kitakyushu ( Kitakyushu Bank ) - headquarters in Kitakyushu , 37 branches, assets of 1.46 trillion yen [2] .
Yamaguchi Financial Group is a Japanese financial group comprising Yamaguchi, Momiji and Kitakyushu banks, as well as several financial companies. The group was established on October 2, 2006, headquartered in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture . In the list of the largest public companies in the world , Forbes Global 2000 for 2021 ranked 166
Bettina Warburg (November 21, 1900 – November 25, 1990) was a psychiatrist and a member of the Warburg family banking dynasty.
Early life
Bettina Warburg was born in Hamburg, Germany, to Paul Moritz Warburg and Nina Jenny (Loeb) Warburg. She was the younger sister of James Paul Warburg. The family immigrated to the United States in 1902, although they continued to travel between Germany and the United States quite often.[1] Bettina and her father and brother were naturalized in 1911. Bettina attended the Brearley School in New York followed by Bryn Mawr College and the Cornell University Medical School.
Work as a psychiatrist
Warburg trained as a psychiatrist at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases in London, after which she worked at the Boston Psychopathic Hospital and at Harvard University’s pathology lab. In 1932, she started a private psychiatric practice at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, where she remained until her retirement in 1967. In addition to her private practice, Warburg taught at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center’s Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic from 1932 to 1940, and was a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry from 1965 to 1967.[2]
War-time relief work
In 1938, Warburg and Lawrence S. Kubie, the newly elected president of the New York Psychoanalytic Society, organized the New York Committee of the National Committee for the Resettlement of Foreign Physicians, a sub-committee of the National Coordinating Committee for Aid to Refugees and Emigrants Coming from Germany’s (NCC) Resettlement Division. Warburg also served as the co-chairman of the Emergency Committee on Relief and Immigration of the American Psychoanalytic Association from 1938 to 1948.[3] These rescue committees provided passports, money, and jobs in the United States and Allied Europe for Jewish psychoanalysts affected by the rise of Nazism. Between 1938 and 1943, Warburg was instrumental in organizing and financing the emigration of 154 Jewish psychiatrists and psychoanalysts from Germany and Austria. Much of this was done using her own and her family's money.[4]
Later life
Bettina Warburg married musician Samuel Bonarions Grimson, ex-husband of Malvina Hoffman in 1942, although she continued to use her maiden name in her work. Bettina Warburg died at her home in Manhattan on Sunday, November 25, 1990 at the age of 90.[2] She is buried in a family plot in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Sleepy Hollow, New York.
MONETA Money Bank (dříve GE Money Bank a GE Capital Bank) je česká bankovní instituce, která byla dříve součástí finanční skupiny General Electric. Specializuje se na bankovní služby pro fyzické osoby a podnikatelské subjekty (především pak na malé a střední podniky).[3] Největšími akcionáři banky byly v roce 2021 společnosti Tanemo a.s. (PPF) (29,
MONETA Money Bank byla založena v roce 1997, tehdy jako GE Capital Bank, v roce 2005 se stala GE Money Bank. V roce 2016 prodala společnost GE své finanční divize a na trh tak vstoupila MONETA Money Bank jako ryze česká banka, která je obchodovatelná na burze.
Banka navázala na stabilitu a důvěryhodnost GE Money Bank, zachovala kontinuitu a začala se zaměřovat hlavně na digitalizaci finančních produktů. Se svými dceřinými společnostmi patří mezi vedoucí a rostoucí poskytovatele bankovních a finančních služeb českým domácnostem, živnostníků a malých a středních firem. Svým klientům nabízí špičkové digitální služby a řešení a zároveň jim poskytuje i komfort a zázemí poboček v regionech, kde žijí.
Kód pro použití v platebním styku je 0600 a BIC AGBACZPP.
MONETA Money Bank je součástí Finanční skupiny MONETA, kam patří kromě banky i MONETA Leasing a MONETA Auto. V dubnu 2020 MONETA koupila 100% podíl ve společnostech Wüstenrot – stavební spořitelna a Wüstenrot hypoteční banka.
Cílem MONETA Money Bank je přinášet na český bankovní trh inovace, být průkopníkem v digitalizaci. V roce 2017 představila první účet, který lze sjednat plně online bez návštěvy pobočky či podepisování smlouvy přes kurýra. Dalšími plně online produkty jsou pak kreditní karta jak pro běžné klienty, tak pro podnikatele, stejně tak i půjčka a úvěr pro podnikatele a dále spořicí účet.
Zaměstnanci banky se od roku 1999 účastní dobrovolnického programu MONETA Dobrovolníci, který je pro MONETA Money Bank klíčovou aktivitou v rámci společenské odpovědnosti. Za tyto dobrovolnické aktivity MONETA Money Bank obdržela zlatý certifikát v kategorii Nejangažovanější zaměstnanci 2017. Banka sbírá ocenění za své projekty a produkty každým rokem, jedním z nejoceňovanějších produktů je mobilní aplikace Smart Banka. Banka v posledních letech získala řadu ocenění, například 7 medailí v soutěži Zlatá koruna za rok 2019, Hypotéka roku 2018 a 2019, Bankovní inovátor 2018 a 2019, Mobilní aplikace 2017 nebo Inovace roku 2018 od společností MasterCard i VISA.
MONETA Money Bank (dříve GE Money Bank a GE Capital Bank) je česká bankovní instituce, která byla dříve součástí finanční skupiny General Electric. Specializuje se na bankovní služby pro fyzické osoby a podnikatelské subjekty (především pak na malé a střední podniky).[3] Největšími akcionáři banky byly v roce 2021 společnosti Tanemo a.s. (PPF) (29,
StarCraft II is a military science fiction video game created by Blizzard Entertainment as a sequel to the successful StarCraft video game released in 1998. Set in a fictional future, the game centers on a galactic struggle for dominance among the various fictional races of StarCraft.StarCraft II single-player campaign is split into three installme
The story of StarCraft II continues on the story of the original StarCraft releases, dealing with the races of StarCraft and characters of StarCraft.
Wings of Liberty is set four years after the events of StarCraft: Brood War, and focuses on the conflict between Jim Raynor's rebel faction and the Terran Dominion regime led by its emperor, Arcturus Mengsk. The Zerg reappear as a frequent menace, though Raynor ultimately recovers their incapacitated queen Sarah Kerrigan from the Zerg home world.
In Heart of the Swarm, the Dominion attacks Raynor and Kerrigan, and the story mainly follows Kerrigan's exploits against Mengsk's forces as well as the newly emerged Protoss-Zerg hybrids.
In Legacy of the Void, the Protoss are the protagonists, led by Zeratul and Artanis, fighting against the architect of the Protoss-Zerg hybrids, the malevolent being known as Amon. In a short epilogue after the end of Legacy of the Void, all three factions join to confront Amon inside the Void.
Nova Covert Ops takes place sometime after Amon's final defeat, and follows the ghost operative Nova as she uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the reformed Terran Dominion.
StarCraft II is a military science fiction video game created by Blizzard Entertainment as a sequel to the successful StarCraft video game released in 1998. Set in a fictional future, the game centers on a galactic struggle for dominance among the various fictional races of StarCraft.StarCraft II single-player campaign is split into three installme
YOLOrekt is a decentralized short-term prediction exchange. In its first iteration, users will be able to predict whether the final price will end up above or below a strike price and place bids on the outcome. Liquidity on YOLOrekt is provided by decentralized liquidity pools that are backed by liquidity providers. In order to enable decentralized liquidity provider (LP) pools, YOLOrekt uses a utility token called YOLO. This allows YOLOrekt to solve a number of issues concerning in-game liquidity and incentivizes liquidity providers by allowing LPs to stake YOLO tokens directly into the game liquidity pool and lock in tokens for additional rewards and privileges.
Partisia Blockchain is built for trust, transparency, privacy, and speed of light finalization by combining secure multiparty computation (MPC) and blockchain technology.