Distribution and ecology
Species of the family grow in the subtropics and temperate regions of Eurasia and North America.
Peonies prefer well-lit and sun-warmed areas, although they can tolerate some shading in the middle of the day.
The best time for planting peonies is August-September.
Peonies are propagated by dividing the bushes, but if you need to get a lot of plants of the variety you like, then you can propagate by layering, stem and root cuttings. The most reliable way is reproduction by buds with pieces of rhizome. Each part of the rhizome should have at least 2-3 buds.
Paracetamol is not a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, its mechanism of action is fundamentally different. Unlike ibuprofen, aspirin and other NSAIDs, paracetamol acts on the nervous system and belongs to a different classification group.
It is a widespread central non-narcotic analgesic, has rather weak anti-inflammatory properties. However, when taken in large doses, it can cause disturbances in the functioning of the liver, circulatory system and kidneys. The risk of violations of the work of these organs and systems increases with the simultaneous use of alcohol, therefore, people who drink alcohol are recommended to use a reduced dose of paracetamol.
Paracetamol (lat. Paracetamolum) is a drug, analgesic and antipyretic from the anilide group, has an antipyretic effect. In some Western countries, it is known as acetaminophen (English Acetaminophen, APAP). The name is formed as an abbreviation of the full name in chemical nomenclature: para-acetylaminophenol.
The An-26An-26 is equipped with two AI-24VT turboprop engines and one additional RU-19A-300 jet engine installed in the right main engine nacelle. Thanks to the large width of the cargo hatch opening (2.4 m) and the installation of a special ladder-leaf, convenient loading is possible both from the ground and from the car body, which greatly speeds up and facilitates loading and unloading operations. The largest aircraft in its class.
An-26 cockpit, pilots' workplaces
Su-34Su-34 (product "T-10V", according to NATO codification: Fullback - "Defender") - Soviet / Russian multifunctional supersonic fighter-bomber, designed to strike with aircraft weapons against enemy targets in operational and tactical depth with the concentration of the main efforts at a distance of 150-600 km from the line of contact. in conditions of strong opposition by means of enemy air defense and the use of modern means of electronic warfare [5], the destruction of enemy air targets day and night in simple and difficult meteorological conditions.
The two-seat Su-34 aircraft with two serial AL-31F turbofan engines has a cantilever adaptive wing mechanized along the leading and trailing edges, two-keel vertical tail, front horizontal tail (PGO), all-moving stabilizer, tricycle landing gear. The main supports have a two-wheeled bogie with wheels arranged according to the "tandem" scheme. The fuselage of the aircraft is made according to an integrated circuit, the head part of which begins with a radio-transparent fairing, which has an elliptical shape with sharp side edges. The mid-positioned trapezoidal wing of small elongation, equipped with developed ribs on which the PGO consoles are installed, smoothly mates with the fuselage, forming a single load-bearing body, which ensures high values of aerodynamic quality and aircraft lift coefficient.
The first flight of the prototype took place in 1977. In 1982, aircraft began to enter aviation units, their operation began in 1985, and was put into service on August 23, 1990. Su-27 is one of the main aircraft of the Russian Air Force, its modifications are in service in the CIS countries, India, China and others. On the basis of the Su-27, a large number of modifications have been developed: the combat training Su-27UB, the carrier-based fighter Su-33 and its combat training modification Su-33UB, multi-role fighters: Su-30, Su-27M, Su-35, front-line bomber Su -34 and others. Aircraft of the Su-27/30 series for 2019 occupied the third place in terms of number among the most common combat aircraft in the world, being the most common Russian-made combat aircraft.
FiduciaryFiduciary (from lat. fiducia - trust), fiatfiat (from lat. fiat - decree, instruction, "so be it"), symbolic, paper, credit, unsecured money - not backed by gold and other precious metals money, the nominal value of which is established and guaranteed by the state, regardless of the cost of the material used for their manufacture. As a rule, fiat for gold or silver. Often, fiduciary money is used as a means of payment on the basis of state laws that oblige them to be accepted at face value. The value of fiduciary money is maintained by people's belief that they can exchange it for something of value. The fall in the authority of state power leads to a decrease in the purchasing power of fiduciary money, that is, to devaluation, “flight from money” (attempts to maintain their purchasing power through investment), etc.
The term "fiat money" was first used in the resolutions of one of the party congresses held in the United States in the last quarter of the 19th century. In fact, the United States then had neither a central bank nor a gold standard, and the concept that was discussed in that controversy fit perfectly into the terminology of fiduciary money that already existed at that time. However, in American English, the term "fiat money" is used more often, although the Englishman J. M. Keynes used the term "fiduciary money" in the 20th century.
Криптовалю́та — разновидность цифровой валюты, учёт внутренних расчётных единиц которой обеспечивает децентрализованная платёжная система (нет внутреннего или внешнего администратора или какого-либо его аналога)[1][2], работающая в полностью автоматическом режиме. Сама по себе криптовалюта не имеет какой-либо особой материальной или электронной формы — это просто число, обозначающее количество данных расчётных единиц, которое записывается в соответствующей позиции информационного пакета протокола передачи данных и зачастую даже не подвергается шифрованию, как и вся иная информация о транзакциях между адресами системы.
Термин Криптовалюта закрепился после публикации статьи o системе Биткойн «Crypto currency» (Криптографическая валюта), опубликованной в 2011 году в журнале Forbes[3]. При этом и создатель биткойна, и многие другие авторы, использовали термин «электронная наличность» (англ. electronic cash).
Первые альткоины появились в 2011 году: Litecoin и Namecoin. Их разработчики стремились преодолеть ряд проблем, свойственных Биткойну (например, Litecoin обладает более высокой скоростью транзакций[29]) или использовать технологию блокчейна в других областях (Namecoin разрабатывался для построения альтернативных корневых DNS-серверов).
Многие альткойны по своей сути очень похожи на Биткойн, имеют сходные характеристики и для работы с ними может использоваться то же оборудование, что и для Биткойна, но некоторые криптовалюты имеют существенные отличия. Ethereum за счёт использования «умных контрактов» превратился в крипто-платформу. Ещё сильнее независимость от Биткойна видна в Ripple, которая фактически является централизованной системой. Ряд криптовалют, например Dash, сделали акцент на усилении анонимности.
Иногда новая криптовалюта появляется как ответвление (форк) от другой криптовалюты за счёт изменения параметров, которые делают несовместимыми данные старой и новой систем. Обычно это происходит, когда часть участников переходит на новый протокол, а часть придерживается старого. При этом обе криптовалюты могут иметь общую историю транзакций — которая накопилась до момента их разделения.