Andrey Yuryevich Vorobyov (born April 14 , 1970),Krasnoyarsk, RSFSR, USSR) — Russian statesman and politician. Governor of the Moscow Region since September 14, 2013
Born on April 14, 1970, in Krasnoyarsk. Father, Yuri Leonidovich Vorobyov (born 1948), former First Deputy Head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry Sergei Shoigu, Deputy Speaker since 2008Of2008. Of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Her mother, Lyudmila Ivanovna Vorobyova — is an entrepreneur. As a child, he was engaged in ice hockey at the specialized children's and youth sports school of the Olympic reserve, played for the national team of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. He studied well at school and loved humanities subjects, especially Russian language and literature.
In 1998, he graduated fromHefrom. He graduated from the Academy of Foreign Trade as an international economist with a foreign language proficiency[3].
Born on April 14, 1970, inKrasnoyarskin Krasnoyarsk. Father, Yuri Leonidovich Vorobyov (born 1948), former First Deputy Head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry Sergei Shoigu, Deputy Speaker since 2008Of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Her mother, Lyudmila Ivanovna Vorobyova — is an entrepreneur. As a child, he was engaged in ice hockey at the specialized children's and youth sports school of the Olympic reserve, played for the national team of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. He studied well at school, and loved humanities subjects, especially Russian language and literature.
After the army, he returned to study in his hometown, but before the last year he transferred toNorthto North Ossetian State University, from which he graduated in 1995 (specialty - "commerce").
In 2004, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy on the topic "Formation and development of the investment potential of the depressed region of Southern Russia"[4]. In July 2013, the project "Dissernet " found massive borrowings from previously published sources in Vorobyov's PhD thesis. According to the project participantSergeyparticipant Sergey Parkhomenko, Vorobyov " knew for 9 years that he was not a scientist, he did not write any dissertation in reality, but meanwhile, he continues to use it — to indicate this false information about himself in all cases — in questionnaires, business cards, reference books, encyclopedias... This is not just a copy-paste, it is a deliberate falsification"[5] [6].
In 2006, he received an MBA in Political and Business Communications from the Institute of Communication Management at the Russian Academy of Sciences.StateSciences. State University — Higher School of Economics.
In 1988-1990, he served in theSeparatethe Separate Motorized Rifle Division of special purpose named after F. E. Dzerzhinskiy Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (OMSDON)[9]. He took part in operations in Baku, Yerevan, Kokand and Ferghana. He took part in the aftermath of the 1988 earthquake in Armenia.
Since 2000-Founder and President of the Interregional Public Foundation for Party Support "United Russia". Member of the party since 2003. As part of the foundation's activities, he was also responsible for organizing and conducting various humanitarian events in Moscow.Lensk, inSerbiain Serbia (Kosovo), on theUkrainethe Ukraine, inSouth Ossetia, Abkhazia, Transnistria[13].
In March 2002, [14] the head of the Republic of Adygea , Khazret Sovmen, appointed Vorobyov as the representative of the head of the republic inThein The Federation Council[9] [15]. He was a member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes. He was also Deputy Chairman of the Commission for control over ensuring the activities of the Federation Council[9].
On November 8, 2012 , Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Andrey Vorobyov to the post of acting Governor of the Moscow Region. Two days earlier, the former head of the regionSergeiregion Sergei Shoigu, who led the region for only six months, was appointed Russian Defense Minister. It was reported that Vorobyov will lead the Moscow region until September 2013, when elections will be held[22].
The law was approved in three readings at once in 24 hours, and representatives of United Russia refused the initiative to discuss the draft with local authorities. According to representatives of the opposition, the hasty adoption of the law is due to municipal elections, and the authorities carried out the cutting of districts with the cancellation of elections for political and economic reasons. Thus, direct elections were eliminated or formalized in the largest cities in terms of population and economic potential. According to the political scientistAccordingscientist According to Rostislav Turovsky, with this law, the regional authorities refuse to engage in dialogue with local elites, building a vertical and imposing centralized management[24].
In 2014, Vorobyov approved the governor's OSVV program , which provides for the sterilization of female stray dogs and their return to the street for free living in an urban environment. The implementation of this program is designed for the period 2014-2018. The program is funded from the regional budget by public activists and organizations fighting for animal rights[26].
From October 25, 2014, to April 7, 2015, and from December 21, 2020 - member of the Presidium State Council of the Russian Federation[27][28][29].
In 2018, he sent a letter to the Minister of Culture Medinsky, in which, on behalf of the Government of the Moscow Region, he proposed to amend the federal law "On Objects of Cultural Heritage (Historical and Cultural monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation". The Moscow Region government proposes to abandon the mandatory historical and cultural examination of land before the start of their development, and to recognize as objects of such examination only those territories in which an object "that has signs of a cultural heritage object, including an archaeological one,"has already been discovered during the work. According to Vorobyov, this was done in the interests of " representatives of small businesses, as well as Russian citizens, including pensioners, disabled people and large families." As noted by the Deputy Director for ScienceInstitute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Engovatova, "over the past 20 years, the Institute of Archeology has never been contacted by builders with a message that they found valuable finds during work"[31].
Andrey Yuryevich Vorobyov (born April 14 , 1970),Krasnoyarsk, RSFSR, USSR) — Russian statesman and politician. Governor of the Moscow Region since September 14, 2013
Born on April 14, 1970 inKrasnoyarsk. Father,Yuri Leonidovich Vorobyov (born 1948), former First Deputy Head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry Sergei Shoigu, Deputy Speaker since 2008Of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Her mother, Lyudmila Ivanovna Vorobyova — is an entrepreneur. As a child, he was engaged in ice hockey at the specialized children's and youth sports school of the Olympic reserve, played for the national team of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. He studied well at school, and loved humanities subjects, especially Russian language and literature.
After school, he entered the Institute[which one?] in Krasnoyarsk, but after the first year he was called up for military service in the armed forces.
After the army, he returned to study in his hometown, but before the last year he transferred toNorth Ossetian State University, from which he graduated in 1995 (specialty - "commerce").
In 1998, he graduated fromHe graduated from the Academy of Foreign Trade as an international economist with a foreign language proficiency[3].
In 2004, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy on the topic "Formation and development of the investment potential of the depressed region of Southern Russia"[4]. In July 2013, the project "Dissernet " found massive borrowings from previously published sources in Vorobyov's PhD thesis. According to the project participantSergey Parkhomenko, Vorobyov " knew for 9 years that he was not a scientist, he did not write any dissertation in reality, but meanwhile he continues to use it — to indicate this false information about himself in all cases — in questionnaires, business cards, reference books, encyclopedias… This is not just a copy-paste, it is a deliberate falsification"[5] [6].
In 2006, he received an MBA in Political and Business Communications from the Institute of Communication Management at the Russian Academy of Sciences.State University — Higher School of Economics.
Later, Vorobyov gave lectures at the HSE Department of Theory and Practice of Interaction between Business and Government, in particular as part of the course "The role of political parties in ensuring constructive interaction between business and government. Russian and international experience"[7].
In October 2013, Vorobyov resigned from the Higher School of Economics (officially — "due to the workload due to his election to the second gubernatorial term") after a request from the Higher School of Economics to the RANEPA about possible incorrect borrowing from other people's scientific works, after which it was supposed to open a commission at the Higher School of Economics on his personal case[8].
Service in the Armed Forces
In 1988-1990, he served in theSeparate Motorized Rifle Division of special purpose named after F. E. Dzerzhinskiy Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (OMSDON)[9]. He took part in operations in Baku, Yerevan, Kokand and Ferghana. He took part in the aftermath of the 1988 earthquake in Armenia.
Working experience
In 1997, Andrey Vorobyov, a graduate of the Academy of Foreign Trade, decided to go into the fishing business. He attracted his younger brother Maxim to manage the business: he became the executive director of a Russian fishing company. In the same year, 1997, the brothers decided to build a modern fish processing plant inNoginsk. "[Previously on the site of the plant] there was an abandoned vegetable storehouse. We invited modern technologists and completely rebuilt it. And in 1998, the crisis hit… Imagine, our plant is only half ready, " Maxim Vorobyov recalled in an interview with Vedomosti. The plant eventually cost 5-6 million dollars-borrowed and own funds of the company - and earned in 1999 [11].
From 1998 to 2000, he was the General Director of Russian Fish Company CJSC.
Vorobyov served as General Director of Russian Sea Group of Companies until 2000. The company owned a plant in Noginsk, it was engaged in fish processing. In 2002, Andrey Vorobyov sold his shares to his brother Maxim.
Working in the Russian Government office
Since 2000-in the civil service, was an assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu. In 2012, Vorobyov said that Shoigu is his godfather in politics[12].
Since 2000-Founder and President of the Interregional Public Foundation for Party Support "United Russia". Member of the party since 2003. As part of the foundation's activities, he was also responsible for organizing and conducting various humanitarian events in Moscow.Lensk, inSerbia (Kosovo), on theUkraine, inSouth Ossetia, Abkhazia, Transnistria[13].
Member of the Federation Council (2002-2003)
In March 2002, [14] the head of the Republic of Adygea , Khazret Sovmen, appointed Vorobyov as the representative of the head of the republic inThe Federation Council[9] [15]. He was a member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes. He was also Deputy Chairman of the Commission for control over ensuring the activities of the Federation Council[9].
Governor of the Moscow Region
On November 8, 2012 , Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Andrey Vorobyov to the post of acting Governor of the Moscow Region. Two days earlier, the former head of the regionSergei Shoigu, who led the region for only six months, was appointed Russian Defense Minister. It was reported that Vorobyov will lead the Moscow region until September 2013, when elections will be held[22].
In June 2013, United Russia nominated Vorobyov as a candidate for the election of the governor of the Moscow Region. In July of the same year, Vorobyov took the initiative to seize the property of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Moscow region[5].
Andrey Vorobyov's inauguration, September 14, 2018
On September 9, 2013, he was elected Governor of the Moscow Region on a single voting day, receiving 78.94 % of the vote.
At the end of May 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law on local self-government, the procedure for electing which the regions regulate independently. 2 days after that, the Moscow Regional Duma received a draft from Governor Andrey Vorobyov, according to which direct elections of mayors with real functions remained only in Russia.Reutov. In other cities, mayors will either be elected from among their own ranks by local deputies, or the position of the city head will be removed from the executive power system, depriving it of managerial functions. In the latter case, the real power will be in the hands of district heads or heads of administrations (city managers) appointed by the governor. The law also affects the interests of municipalities that do not have the status of a city, where direct elections of their heads have also been abolished[24].
The law was approved in three readings at once in 24 hours, and representatives of United Russia refused the initiative to discuss the draft with local authorities. According to representatives of the opposition, the hasty adoption of the law is due to municipal elections, and the authorities carried out the cutting of districts with the cancellation of elections for political and economic reasons. Thus, direct elections were eliminated or formalized in the largest cities in terms of population and economic potential. According to the political scientistAccording to Rostislav Turovsky, with this law, the regional authorities refuse to engage in dialogue with local elites, building a vertical and imposing centralized management[24].
To restore the Moscow region forests affected by the bark beetle epidemic and subsequent sanitary logging, in September 2014 Vorobyov launched the campaign " Our Forest. Plant your own tree."
In 2014, Vorobyov approved the governor's OSVV program , which provides for the sterilization of female stray dogs and their return to the street for free living in an urban environment. The implementation of this program is designed for the period 2014-2018. The program is funded from the regional budget by public activists and organizations fighting for animal rights[26].
From October 25, 2014 to April 7, 2015 and from December 21, 2020 - member of the Presidium State Council of the Russian Federation[27][28][29].
In May 2016, at the initiative of Vorobyov, a law was adopted according to which the heads of urban districts and municipal districts were not elected, but appointed by local representative bodies[30].
In 2018, he sent a letter to the Minister of Culture Medinsky, in which, on behalf of the Government of the Moscow Region, he proposed to amend the federal law "On Objects of Cultural Heritage (Historical and Cultural monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation". The Moscow Region government proposes to abandon the mandatory historical and cultural examination of land before the start of their development, and to recognize as objects of such examination only those territories in which an object "that has signs of a cultural heritage object, including an archaeological one,"has already been discovered during the work. According to Vorobyov, this was done in the interests of " representatives of small businesses, as well as Russian citizens, including pensioners, disabled people and large families." As noted by the Deputy Director for ScienceInstitute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Engovatova, "over the past 20 years, the Institute of Archeology has never been contacted by builders with a message that they found valuable finds during work"[31].
On September 9, 2018, he was re-elected governor of the Moscow Region, gaining 62.52 % of the vote in the elections[32].
Family and personal life
Andrey Vorobyov is a widower. His first wife, Margarita, a native of Krasnoyarsk, died suddenly no later than 2010. The governor has two daughters from his first marriage. Nothing is known about the first wife, there was not a single photo of his wife in his social networks. Since 2010, in Vorobyov's income declaration in 2010, a daughter with her own income, estimated in millions, from the inheritance of her deceased mother appeared as a separate line.[66]
Second wife (marriage is not officially registered), Ekaterina Bogdasarova is the head of the Istok Charity Foundation, which was created to help children and teenagers in difficult life situations. The couple has six children: two daughters Andrey Yuryevich from their first marriage, two daughters Ekaterina from their first marriage, and two sons together-George (born in 2013) and Mikhail (born in 2014). The sons are engaged in football and wrestling[67]. One of Vorobyov's older daughters, Ekaterina (a graduate of the MGIMO Faculty of International Economic Relations), married a MGIMO graduate in 2017Mark Pavlovich Tipikin.
My brother was born on August 9, 1976, Maxim Yuryevich Vorobyov. Currently-Chairman of the Board of Directors of GC "Russian Sea". In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations of MGIMO UniversityMinistry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, in 2006 — Global Executive MBA course of the Spanish IESE Business School, since 2002-professional participant of the securities market (certificate of the Federal Securities Commission of Russia)[68].
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
Andrey Yuryevich Vorobyov (born April 14 , 1970),Krasnoyarsk, RSFSR, USSR) — Russian statesman and politician. Governor of the Moscow Region since September 14, 2013