Aunt Bertha is a company that connects social care for organizations, helping them better assist people and communities.
Aunt Bertha is a company that connects social care for organizations, helping them better assist people and communities.
Aunt Bertha is a company working towards making government and charitable social service programs more accessible. The company organizes the world's human service program information, in order to connect those in need with the people, organizations, and services that can help them. They aim at driving down the cost of administering social service programs by providing a simple way for governments and charities to accept applications online.
Aunt Bertha was founded in 2010 and headquartered in Austin, Texas.
Aunt Bertha picks up where Uncleis Sama leavescompany offworking bytowards making it easy to find and apply for government and charitable social service programs more accessible. ByThe organizingcompany organizes the world's human service program information, peoplein order to connect those in need with the people, organizations, and theservices peoplethat whocan help them can find programs in seconds on. They areaim at driving down the cost of administering social serviceprogramsservice programs by providing a simple way for governments and charities to accept applications online.