Chinaccelerator, also known as China-Axlr8r, is China's first startup accelerator founded by Cryril Ebersweiler in Shanghai, China in 2010, and is one of six SOSV run accelerator programs. Chinaccelerator helps internet based startups grow their online business platforms through their 3-month long accelerator program.
Chinaccelerator picks several internet based startups twice a year for their 3-month startup accelerator program. Startup companies offer Chinaccelerator 6% in equity through a Stock Purchase Agreement, or funding through a convertible note called the Accelerator Contract for Equity, or invested directly into an active funding round, plus the opportunity to participation in Chinaccelerator's 3-month accelerator program. A total investment of $120,000 is made into startups accepted into the accelerator program. The cost of hosting startups is $40,000 which is paid for by the Chinaaccelerator itself and the remaining $80,000 comes from SOSV.