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Deutsche Post (name) is a company active in the printing, mail, and logistics industries . It was founded on January 1, 1995 and is headquartered in the Post Tower in Bonn, Ohio . The company is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the stock symbol DPW .
Frank Appel is the CEO of Deutsche Post . The company has a market capitalization of 29,411,000,000 and employs over 547,459 people .
As a parent organization, Deutsche Post owns several subsidiaries including DHL Express, DHL Air UK, DHL Aero Expreso, DHL Supply Chain, DHL Global Forwarding, DHL Aviation, and European Air Transport Leipzig . They also own the Post Tower and Deutsche Post brand .
The legal form of the company is Aktiengesellschaft and its parent organization is KfW Bankengruppe . Deutsche Post is an active company and operates in the postal service industry in Germany .