White label and cross-market social trading platforms network.
On the road to copytrading 2.0. We are creating a white label and cross-market social trading platforms network. Efficient, Full transparency and Riskless.
White label and cross-market social trading platforms network.
Diabolo plans to create the first white label, cross-market social trading platform network. The beta version available only in France has already attracted more than 13,000 users without a paid marketing campaign. The team is now turning its attention to the European market and will launch the V1 version of the platform in the days following the listing. Diabolo will allow anyone to create a custom social trading platform through a drag-and-drop system. Centralized crypto-currency exchanges and traditional finance brokers will be available.
Riskless trading
Diabolo is looking to deliver performance but it shall not be done at the expense of risk management. All our trader positions are closely monitored, especially the draw-downs. Our policy is simple : we won’t let one client loose more than 35 % of its whole portfolio.
Trading academy
Diabolo has gathered enough competence in its echo-system to share knowledge through our trading school. We teach two main topics : technical analysis and trading skills. Courses can either be online or in our Nantes office. Two formats are available : a 48 hours module,focused on the basics, or a few week module for a deeper approach
Certified strategy
Most of copy-trading websites are only middlewares which connect traders to clients, without any control on strategies. At Diabolo, our traders have all passed a well defined due diligence and have shown trading skills. The team is closely managed by our risk manager and we can thus guarantee a professional approach of all our strategies
February 8, 2022
February 8, 2022
Riskless trading
Diabolo is looking to deliver performance but it shall not be done at the expense of risk management. All our trader positions are closely monitored, especially the draw-downs. Our policy is simple : we won’t let one client loose more than 35 % of its whole portfolio.
Trading academy
Diabolo has gathered enough competence in its echo-system to share knowledge through our trading school. We teach two main topics : technical analysis and trading skills. Courses can either be online or in our Nantes office. Two formats are available : a 48 hours module,focused on the basics, or a few week module for a deeper approach
Certified strategy
Most of copy-trading websites are only middlewares which connect traders to clients, without any control on strategies. At Diabolo, our traders have all passed a well defined due diligence and have shown trading skills. The team is closely managed by our risk manager and we can thus guarantee a professional approach of all our strategies