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Fleet Space Technologies is a developer of satellite technology designed to form satellite communication networks. The company's technology connects all corners of the globe to create a digital nervous system of devices. This network is intended to provide a secure, low-cost, low-bandwidth connectivity platform for machine-to-machine data exchange and for IoT sensor networks. The company also offers a device setup and management service through a web interface allowing users to access data and analytics.
Fleet Space Technologies made history in November 2018 by launching Australia's first four commercial nanosatellites, Proxima 1 and 2, and Centauri 1 and 2. On March 24, 2021, Fleet Space Technologies launched Centari 3, another 10kg nanosatellite, intended to orbit at 550km above Earth where it would engage in the satellite's operations, including linking multiple remote sensors monitoring critical infrastructures such as remote mine sites, gas pipelines, and rurally dispersed electricity pylons with central base stations.
The technology offered by Fleet Space Technologies and the company's satellite constellation also allows operators to conduct geological surveys and operate unmanned vehicles such as drones from a control center rather than through visits to a distant site. As well, the company's technology and infrastructure are used by utility company SA Water to monitor soil moisture and air temperature in parks in Adelaide.
The company expects to expand the satellite constellation by two in 2021, and increase to a further sixteen satellites between 2022 and 2023.