Fluidity is a United States-based company.
Fluidity is an active company operating in the decentralized finance and cryptocurrency industries. The company is based in the United States and is developing a B2B product that involves software and cryptocurrency. It has a digital currency with the ticker symbol FLUID and a cryptocurrency symbol of FLUID.
Fluidity has raised $1,300,000 in total funding through a seed round. Multicoin Capital, Lemniscap, Bitscale Capital, SkyVision Capital, NGC Ventures, Solana Ventures, Grug Capital, Koji Capital, Meld Ventures, Polygon, Compound, and Andrew Masanto are among the investors in the company.
In the blockchain and decentralized finance markets, Fluidity has competitors such as Equalizer and Step Finance.
Fluidity is super powering cryptocurrencies so that they reward you yield when you use them
Fluidity takes tokens and wraps them at a 1-to-1 ratio while storing the original asset in a lending protocol. The accruing interest is stored in a reward pool with any on-chain purchase being eligible for a portion of the pool.
We take no fee and the user can win a life-changing amount just for practicing their normal spending habits.
Dividends are generated by the cumulative yield created by every principal token deposited and lent on money markets.
Blockchain incentive layer Fluidity raised $1.3M in a seed funding round led by Multicoin Capital, with participation from Circle Ventures, Solana Ventures, Lemniscap, NGC Ventures, Skyvision Capital, Bitscale, Koji Capital, Meld Ventures, Grug Capital, ZachXBT and DCF GOD.Fluidity is a yield generating system for people who can’t afford to leave their money idle. Fluidity rewards users when they actually use their assets.
February 5, 2022
1. Please use the appropriate channels for their respective purposes (e.g., no discussing in the wallet channel, eth wallets in the "sol-wallet-addresses," etc. ). All unrelated posts will be deleted.
2. Keep discussions civil. All users who NSFW language and abuse others will be banned.
3. Keep all feedback and questions in the "feedback-questions" channel for the development team. While we will not deliberately ignore any questions you post outside of the channel, there is no guarantee that it will get a response."
Medium Tutorial: https://blog.fluidity.money/fluidity-solana-devnet-beta-is-live-751918993eb0
Fluidity Solana Devnet Webapp: https://app.solana.beta.fluidity.money/
Sol Faucet: https://solfaucet.com/
Fluidity Faucet: https://faucet.fluidity.money/
Docs: https://docs.fluidity.money/
Survey: https://fluidity.wispform.com/812a885d
January 3, 2022
We are thrilled to announce that after months of development, the Ethereum Testnet is live! We are aware you have been patient as we work towards our goal of bringing utility-derived yield to the masses and for that, we cannot thank you enough. Now we are ready to show you what we have got and we want to know what you think about our beta testing! We know you have questions and we will be happy to answer them here. If you still require more information, you can read the Docs or please feel free to reach out to us on Twitter, Telegram, and our Discord channels and we will get back to you as soon as we can,.
What is Fluidity?
Fluidity Testnet Beta v1.
Guide to using the Fluidity Testnet Beta
Step 1) Connecting to the Ethreum Ropsten Test Network
Step 2) Obtaining Ropsten Test ETH
Step 3) Obtaining Fluid USDT (ƒUSDT)!
Step 4) Adding USDT Token address into MetaMask
Step 5) (OPTIONAL — If you want more Fluid Assets to play with!
Else skip to step 6 to start using Fluidity!)
Step 6) You’re ready to get Fluid!
Step 7) UNISWAP! Swapping your Fluid Assets
What is Fluidity?
Fluidity takes tokens and wraps them at a 1-to-1 ratio while storing the original asset in a lending protocol. The accruing interest is stored in a reward pool with any on-chain purchase being eligible for a reward.
With Fluid Assets, yield is gained through utility. More transactions equal more yield, over time.
Existing decentralised finance incentivises leaving interest-bearing products ”idle” — sitting in an account accruing interest. Through wrapping a variety of assets with Fluid functionalities, we effectively grant utility to what would otherwise be stagnant tokens. This has the added benefit of composability and a change in how we interact with blockchain payments as a whole.
Fluidity Testnet Beta v1
When using the Fluidity web app (https:/ropsten.beta.fluidity.money) for the first time you need to make sure you are using the Ethereum Ropsten test network and have the following:
A MetaMask wallet to interface with the Beta.
Have funded your wallet with sufficient Ropsten Testnet ETH.
Have funded your wallet with sufficient Ropsten Testnet ƒUSDT.
Other users or wallet addresses to send your fluid assets to and receive from.
(Looking for other fluiders to transact with? Why not check out our Discord!)
Within this beta, you will be able to interact with a myriad of utilities that you should expect to see in the final version of the Fluidity protocol, however, there are certain features that are not in the current version of the beta, including things such as interactions that have dependencies on the FLUID governance token as well as the correspondent heightened reward probability that a user has by holding said token.
You will be able to:
Swap base assets for fluid assets and vice-versa (between USDT to ƒUSDT).
Follow the Reward Pool as it increases, and Prize Board winners in the dashboard as the rewards get distributed to the various Fluiders participating in the beta.
Have an overview of your account balance.
Send and Receive fluid assets.
Visualize your send and transaction history.
Get (testnet) rewarded for sending and receiving Fluid Assets!
We recommend that you follow the guide below to have the best experience and be able to provide the best possible feedback so that we are able to continually improve your interaction with the Fluidity protocol and its applications!
Guide to using the Fluidity Testnet Beta:
Selecting the Right Network
Firstly, you will have to connect to the Ethereum Ropsten testnet network, so in case you are unable to select that network from the MetaMask drop down, please follow the instructions laid out below to participate.
Step 1) Connecting to the Ethreum Ropsten Test Network
Open your MetaMask wallet and click on the network button on the top and then scroll down until ‘Ropsten Test Network’ is visible. If you are able to select the Ropsten Test Network options, please do so and go to Step 2, else please follow the remaining of Step 1 below.
If you have the Ropsten Test Network selected! Follow on to Step 2.
Step 1a)
Click on the circle icon on the top right corner, the My Accounts menu will appear.
Click on the Settings button.
Click on Advanced, in order to go to advanced settings.
Step 1b)
Scroll to the bottom of the Advanced Settings menu, and activate the
Show test networks option by clicking on the toggle (Blue toggle means Active)
You should now be able to click on the network button on the top and then scroll down until ‘Ropsten Test Network’ is visible.
Select Ropsten and proceed to Step 2.
Step 2) Obtaining Ropsten Test ETH
Great! Now you are on the Ropsten Testnet! The next step is to obtain test ETH to use on the Ropsten Test Network.
You can obtain test ETH from either of the following Ropsten ETH Faucets:
Test Ether Faucet
Metamask Faucet faucet.metamask.io
Ropsten Ethereum (rETH) Faucet
Ethereum Faucet - Ropsten
Step 3) Obtaining Fluid USDT (ƒUSDT)!
There are several ways to obtain Fluid Assets:
You are also able to mint your own (follow Step 6)
Swapping Fluid assets in Uniswap on Ropsten (follow Step 7)
The easiest way to obtain Fluid Assets and start participating in the Testnet beta is by using the Fluidity Faucet! (faucet.fluidity.money)
Simply put your Ropsten Ethereum address and click on Request Funds.
You will be redirected to Twitter and prompted to share a special post created by our team!
Once you have posted your tweet, you will be informed of the successful transaction and receive your 10 ƒUSDT on your MetaMask!
Step 4) Adding USDT and ƒUSDT Token address into MetaMask
Under the assets tab scroll down to the bottom until you see “Import Tokens”
Under “Token Contract Address” enter the USDT address: 0x110a13fc3efe6a245b50102d2d79b3e76125ae83
You can also add the ƒUSDT token address:
(The remaining details of the token should be automatically added)
Click “Add Custom Token”.
Once the following screen appears, click “Import Token”
You should now be able to see your USDT token wallet balance on MetaMask!
Step 5)
(OPTIONAL — If you want more Fluid Assets to play with!
Else skip to step 6 to start using Fluidity!)
Great! Now let’s get you some test USDT to play with! While still under Rospten Testnet head over to Compound Finance.
Click on “Tether” in the Supply Market (left) section of the website
A pop-up should appear.
Click on the Withdraw tab.
At the bottom, you will notice a Faucet button.
Simply click on it to open up your MetaMask with the transaction information.
Follow the MetaMask transaction prompts and confirm the transaction.
You will soon receive your Ropsten USDT Tokens!
Step 6) You’re ready to get Fluid!
You are all set! To wrap your USDT simply use our DAPP like you would a Decentralized Exchange. Enter the amount of USDT you want to convert to ƒUSDT and click “Fluidify your money”. You are now free to send your ƒUSDT to other beta testers. Try to send it as many times as you can and watch out for a reward! Note: If you are looking for wallets to send to check out our Discord and check out the “wallet-addresses” section under “TESTNET” to see other participants.
Following your experience, please fill out the survey in the link below to give us as much feedback as possible!
Fluidity Wispform
Let us know how your experience with the Fluidity Testnet Beta went!
Thank you for taking part in our Testnet! We are all very excited for the future of the Fluidity Ecosystem, so please stay tuned for the coming updates!
Step 7) UNISWAP! Swapping your Fluid Assets
You can swap Fluid Assets on Uniswap on Ropsten!
Make sure your MetaMask is on Ropsten.
Go to the following Uniswap website.
Press Import Currency (ƒUSDT).
In the Secondary Swap Currency search for USDT.
Import USDT ( 0x110a13fc3efe6a245b50102d2d79b3e76125ae83 )
You can now swap between ƒUSDT and USDT. Make sure to approve the tokens before you swap.
Watch as you earn yield when you trade on Uniswap. Pro Move: If you create your own Fluid trading pairs ( ƒUSDT-ETH?), let us know.
Thank you once again for participating, make sure to drop by the Discord to share your feedback and discuss with others about Fluidity. Make sure to send Fluid Assets to other members in the Discord.
About Fluidity
Fluidity is building assets and stablecoins that reward users when they use them. Imagine trading on an exchange or paying back a friend and winning a life-changing amount.
Stay Fluid!
Fluid Ecosystem here I come!
Blockchain incentive layer Fluidity raised $1.3M in a seed funding round led by Multicoin Capital, with participation from Circle Ventures, Solana Ventures, Lemniscap, NGC Ventures, Skyvision Capital, Bitscale, Koji Capital, Meld Ventures, Grug Capital, ZachXBT and DCF GOD.Fluidity is a yield generating system for people who can’t afford to leave their money idle. Fluidity rewards users when they actually use their assets.