SBIR/STTR Award attributes
In this SBIR Phase I program, we propose to evaluate use our unique simultaneous self interference cancellation (S-SIX) to enable efficient, low latency communication for warfare communication systems. Our technology enables self-interference from the transmit chain to be cancelled at the receive chain, thus enabling in-band, true full duplex communication. This enables the radios to have listen-while-talk capabilities, being able to listen and talk at the same time at the same frequency. This capability results in much more robust, reliable low-latency communication for multiple applications across military and commercial use-cases. Our solution has multiple benefits beyond reducing latency, including: doubling the bandwidth of communication, as radios can talk and listen at the same time; improving security, as the radios share a common, reciprocal communication channel characteristic as a shared secret; and an overall improved energy-per-bit for communication.