Johnny Lyu is the CEO of KuCoin Exchange and Peritus.
Johnny LYULyu is the CEO of KuCoin Exchange and Peritus.
Johnny Lyu is the CEO of the KuCoin KuCoin exchangeExchange. He holds a Bachelor's degree from Chengdu Neusoft UniversityChengdu Neusoft University. Lyu is responsible for the day-to-day operations of KuCoin, KuMEX, and Pool-X, including the expansion of the KCS ecosystem.
He previously served as the Vicevice Presidentpresident of KuCloud, a white labelwhite-label spot trade and future exchange solution. Prior to that, he served as the Headhead of Globalglobal Buisnessbusiness Developmentdevelopment. Lyu was also the Chiefchief Executiveexecutive Officerofficer of IMOOLO Jewelry Co.,Ltd. Ltd. from 2016 to 2017, and the Technical Supervisor of Hongkong Milanoo.
July 2016
Johnny LYU is the CEO of KuCoin Exchange &and Peritus.aiPeritus.
Johnny Lyu is the CEO of the KuCoin exchange. Prior to joining KuCoin, he worked in commerce and luxury goods.
Johnny Lyu is the CEO of the KuCoin exchange. He holds a Bachelor's degree from Chengdu Neusoft University. Lyu is responsible for the day-to-day operations of KuCoin, KuMEX, and Pool-X, including the expansion of the KCS ecosystem.
He previously served as the Vice President of KuCloud, a white label spot trade and future exchange solution. Prior to that, he served as the Head of Global Buisness Development. Lyu was also the Chief Executive Officer of IMOOLO Jewelry Co.,Ltd. from 2016 to 2017, and the Technical Supervisor of Hongkong Milanoo.
March 2020
December 2019
July 2016
March 2013
CEO of KuCoin Exchange &
Johnny Lyu is the CEO of the KuCoin exchange. Prior to joining KuCoin, he worked in commerce and luxury goods.
Johnny Lyu is the CEO of KuCoin Exchange and Peritus.
Johnny Lyu is the CEO of KuCoin Exchange and Peritus.