Klue is a Vancouver-based artificial intelligence company offering a competitive enablement platform that automates the collection of competitor and market intelligence.
Klue is ana Vancouver based artificial Intelligenceintelligence company foundedoffering a bycompetitive enablement Jasonplatform Smiththat automates the collection of competitor and Sarathymarket Naickerintelligence.
Klue is the competitive enablement platform for enterprise sales. The system of record for compete content. Klue enables product marketers to deliver fresh, relevant market intelligence to sales to tip dogfight deals, reduce discounting and close faster. Enterprise SaaSification is spiking competition across categories and dramatically accelerating disruption cycles. Insight is buried in plain sight across the web and inside the organization. 100m companies in the world. All have competitors. At the foundational layer, Klue is building the unstructured data equivalent of Business Intelligence, automating content curation across the workplace. The system delivers the curated best of the web with the best of what your co-workers know about any company or topic.