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Genostar is a bioinformatics company specializing in solutions for biological data analysis from genome to metabolome. Our software, data, and expert services allow scientists to efficiently and visually interpret their sequence, expression, and metabolic data, accelerating time-to-discovery.
Genostar’s strength in annotation and comparative analysis of multiple organisms contributes to infectious disease research, vaccine discovery, diagnostics, and optimization of probiotics. Our integrated, flexible platform brings together a wide range of methods and data modeling, streamlining workflow, and making reporting and sharing of results fast and easy.
Korilog announces the integration of KoriBlast within Genostar’s Metabolic Pathway Builder bioinformatics platform. Korilog’s databank exploration software extends Metabolic Pathway Builder, enabling users to conduct large-scale sequence studies bringing into play genomic, proteomic, transcriptomic, and pathway data.
Metabolic Pathway Builder seamlessly integrates a suite of analytical methods and data for genomic, protein, and metabolic research, enabling users to perform comparative genomics, predict protein functions and enzymatic activity, and both explore and visualize metabolic pathways on multiple organisms of interest.
Koriblast is an easy-to-use, graphically-driven software module for the global exploration of biological sequence databanks. It offers unified access to remote and local sequence and data repositories. Users can take advantage of the multifunctional, configurable interface to design powerful search strategies combining batch sequence comparisons and efficiently retrieve and filter their data. KoriBlast also features a set of comprehensive viewers to analyze search results, from sequences to 3D structures.
By integrating the software platforms, this partnership brings researchers a world-class, user-friendly solution for the analysis of NGS-generated sequences and expression data from genome to metabolome. Benefits include the ability to:
- Efficiently and accurately annotate or reannotate genomic and protein sequences, Map sequences on pathways
- Identify and analyze syntenies and the metabolic reactions catalyzed by their gene products
- Rapidly read, assemble and analyze data in all common formats, whether from complete chromosomes or large sets of newly sequenced cDNAs or contigs
- Prepare and use personal sequence data repositories
The integrated platform enables a wide range of applications for public research institutes and agri-business, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical industries:
- Vaccine discovery and development
- Animal health & nutrition
- Diagnostics
- Agro-foods
- Cosmetics research
- Infectious diseases