A private equity firm from London that invests in high-growth technology and business services companies
A private equity firm from London that invests in high-growth technology and business services companies
Lyceum Capital, now known as Horizon Capital, is a private equity firm from London that invests in high-growth technology and business services companies. Founded 2000 in London, it invests on lower middle markets, B2BB2B services, and technology companies. It also provides growth capital, operational investment, and support for buy-and-build strategies. The investors of the new Horizon Capital include Pantheon, Idinvest Partners, Lombard Odier, HQ Capital and eQ Asset Management. This new firm invests between £10-50 million. Portfolio companies include Agribriefing, Bellrock, ChurchesFire, Connexas, Juniper Education and others.
Lyceum Capital, now known as Horizon Capital, is a private equity firm from London that invests in high-growth technology and business services companies. Founded 2000 in London, it invests on lower middle markets, B2B services, and technology companies. It also provides growth capital, operational investment, and support for buy-and-build strategies. The investors of the new Horizon Capital include Pantheon, Idinvest Partners, Lombard Odier, HQ Capital and eQ Asset ManagementAsset Management. This new firm invests between £10-50 million. Portfolio companies include Agribriefing, Bellrock, ChurchesFire, Connexas, Juniper Education and others.
Lyceum Capital, now known as Horizon Capital, is a private equity firm from London that invests in high-growth technology and business services companies. Founded 2000 in London, it invests on lower middle markets, B2B services, and technology companies. It also provides growth capital, operational investment, and support for buy-and-build strategies. The investors of the new Horizon Capital include PantheonPantheon, Idinvest Partners, Lombard Odier, HQ Capital and eQ Asset Management. This new firm invests between £10-50 million. Portfolio companies include Agribriefing, Bellrock, ChurchesFire, Connexas, Juniper Education and others.
Lyceum Capital, now known as Horizon Capital, is a private equity firm from LondonLondon that invests in high-growth technology and business services companies. Founded 2000 in London, it invests on lower middle markets, B2B services, and technology companies. It also provides growth capital, operational investment, and support for buy-and-build strategies. The investors of the new Horizon Capital include Pantheon, Idinvest Partners, Lombard Odier, HQ Capital and eQ Asset Management. This new firm invests between £10-50 million. Portfolio companies include Agribriefing, Bellrock, ChurchesFire, Connexas, Juniper Education and others.
Lyceum Capital, now known as Horizon Capital, is a private equity firmprivate equity firm from London that invests in high-growth technology and business services companies. Founded 2000 in London, it invests on lower middle markets, B2B services, and technology companies. It also provides growth capital, operational investment, and support for buy-and-build strategies. The investors of the new Horizon Capital include Pantheon, Idinvest Partners, Lombard Odier, HQ Capital and eQ Asset Management. This new firm invests between £10-50 million. Portfolio companies include Agribriefing, Bellrock, ChurchesFire, Connexas, Juniper Education and others.
Lyceum Capital, now known as Horizon Capital, is a private equity firm from London that invests in high-growth technology and business services companies. Founded 2000 in London, it invests on lower middle markets, B2B services, and technology companies. It also provides growth capital, operational investment, and support for buy-and-build strategies. The investors of the new Horizon Capital include Pantheon, Idinvest Partners, Lombard Odier, HQ Capital and eQ Asset ManagementAsset Management. This new firm invests between £10-50 million. Portfolio companies include Agribriefing, Bellrock, ChurchesFire, Connexas, Juniper Education and others.
Lyceum Capital, now known as Horizon Capital, is a private equity firm from London that invests in high-growth technology and business services companies. Founded 2000 in London, it invests on lower middle markets, B2B services, and technology companies. It also provides growth capital, operational investment, and support for buy-and-build strategies. The investors of the new Horizon Capital include Pantheon, Idinvest PartnersIdinvest Partners, Lombard Odier, HQ Capital and eQ Asset Management. This new firm invests between £10-50 million. Portfolio companies include Agribriefing, Bellrock, ChurchesFire, Connexas, Juniper Education and others.