A company that developed a mobile app called Kelvin that uses AI to help assess people with Parkinson's by objectively measuring disability from video clips.
Instead of subjective judgements of the severity of a tremor or slow movement (bradykinesia) the platform utilises video and computer vision to capture and extract objective and reproducible metrics of motor dysfunction. The platform has been offered to clinicians for free and neurologist have signed up to pilots and these key opinion leaders help determine which methods are used in clinical trials. Commercial entities like pharma and medical device companies pay for the platform according to volume.
Co-founder and CEO Jonathan O’Keefe previously had a career as an academic clinician. The company has a grant from Innovate UKInnovate UK.
Machine Medicine's app is called Kelvin, named after physicist Baron Kelvin and can be used on a smartphone or tablet. Recorded videos of Parkinson’s patients are analysed using machine learningmachine learning and computer vision. Detection of motor dysfunction in Parkinson’s patients is claimed to be more reliable than doctors on their own.