Country in western Africa
It covers a land area of almost 1,270,000 km2 (490,000 sq mi), making it the second-largest landlocked country in West Africa, after Chad. Over 80% of its land area lies in the SaharaSahara. Its predominantly Muslim population of about 25 million lives mostly in clusters in the further south and west of the country. The capital Niamey is located in Niger's southwest corner.
Niger - officially the Republic of the Niger.
Nigeria - Federal Republic of Nigeria. Nigeria is one of the largest countries in West Africa by area.
Niger encompasses parts of both the Sub-Saharan region and the Saharan region of Africa as well.
Niger came under the control of the French in 1922 but became an autonomous state within the French community by 1958.
It is a unitary state bordered by Libya to the northeast, Chad to the east, Nigeria to the south, Benin and Burkina Faso to the southwest, Mali to the west, and Algeria to the northwest.
It covers a land area of almost 1,270,000 km2 (490,000 sq mi), making it the second-largest landlocked country in West Africa, after Chad. Over 80% of its land area lies in the Sahara. Its predominantly Muslim population of about 25 million lives mostly in clusters in the further south and west of the country. The capital Niamey is located in Niger's southwest corner.
As a landlocked nation, mineral export accounts for much of the country's GDP.
Nigeria - Federal Republic of Nigeria.NigeriaNigeria. Nigeria is one of the largest countries in West Africa by area.
Nigeria - Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Nigeria - Federal Republic of Nigeria.Nigeria is one of the largest countries in West Africa by area.
Since 1990, the population growth rate has remained above 3% each year. The 2020 population grew 3.84% over the 2019 population, adding about 896,000 people to the population.
Population growth
Niger encompasses parts of both the Sub-Saharan region and the Saharan region of Africa as well.
Nigeria - Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Nigeria's population is constantly growing. The low level of prosperity, and the constant growth of violence dictates its policy. Niger's population is expected to be around 100 million by 2041.
In recent decades, Niger has experienced slower population growth, less than 3%. Since 1990, the population growth rate has remained above 3% per year. The 2020 population grew by 3.84% over the 2019 population, bringing the population to an increase of approximately 896,000.
Niger had one of the highest birth rates. In 2019, there were 7.27 births per woman. The high birth rate in Niger has resulted in a population that remains consistently young, with an average age of 15 years.
Dynamics of population change in Nigeria in 2022
Below are the Nigerian population change rates calculated by us for 2022:
Birth rate: average 23,697 children per day (987.36 per hour)
Mortality: an average of 7,813 people per day (325.53 per hour)
Population growth 1952 - 2022:
Population growth 1952 - 2022:
Population growth 1952 - 2022