Wasm Contract Tech Lab for PolkadotPatract’s mission is to accelerate the smart contract industry’s transition to Wasm technology stack.
Wasm Contract Tech Lab for PolkadotPatract’s mission is to accelerate the smart contract industry’s transition to Wasm technology stack.
Patract is a Wasm contract open platform in the Polkadot ecosystem. We will start the system parachain for the Wasm contract to improve the full set of our technologies, and then help other parachains to enable Wasm contract capability. Patract will not adopt a similar model to iOS to maintain a single self-operated parachain. Instead, we will follow Google’s Android open strategy and combine the power of all the community parachains to rapidly increase the popularity of Wasm contracts, because our target is to defeat EVM contracts, not to compete with other parachains.
Wasm Contract Tech Lab for PolkadotPatract’s mission is to accelerate the smart contract industry’s transition to Wasm technology stack.