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Sencrop is an agricultural technology company and platform. It produces a networked agro-meteorological station. It was founded in January 2016 as part of Euratechnologies by Martin Ducroquet and Michael Bruniaux. It is headquartered in Lomme, France. The company has offices in Spain, Germany, the UK, France, and the Netherlands. Since 2017, the company has received seed funding from Demeter-Emertec, Breega, and Bpifrance.
Sencrop's agro-meteorological station is comprised of low power, long range rain gauge sensors, anemometer sensors, and leaf wetness sensors. All of Sencrop's monitoring devices connect to a local network that allows farmers to monitoring weather conditions remotely from a smartphone or computer. The company's app offers custom hyper localized forecasts based on the data Sencrop devices collect. It also offers weather alerts that help farmers plan phytosanitary, sowing, and irrigation interventions.
Sencrop won an award for its station and platform at the 2017 SIMA Innovation Awards ceremony.
In 2020, Sencrop acquired sensor maker Visio-Green Agriculture.