SingularityNET is a decentralized marketplace for artifical intelligence algorithms.
AI services for purchase from developers can be found on SingularityNET's marketplace. Services can be tested by potential purchasespurchasers by using a number of API-callsAPI calls to assess the service before purchasing it. Users can pay for additional usage of the service by paying with AGIX or a fiat currency with the platform's Paypal integration.
SingularityNET developed a native token to be used on the platform and within its ecosystem. The token, known as AGIX, was launched during its initial coin offering (ICO) on December 19, 2017. It is reported that the ICO raised $36 million in funding in approximately 60 seconds. The value of the token saw a spike in 2023 with the increaseincreased interest in AI-based platforms, like SingularityNET.
Holders of AGIX can use it to pay for AI services in the marketplace and utilize other projects within the SingularityNET ecosystem. The token can also be staked in SingularityNET's Ethereum-based staking portal for 30 daythirty-day sessions, after which users can continue to stake or withdraw the tokens along with any reward they amassed within the previous 30thirty days. The company has also developed and launched its SingularityNET Bridge, thatwhich allows users to transfer tokens across the supported blockchain.
The decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) of the organization is called SingularityDAO.ItSingularityDAO. It funnels projects and users into DynaSets, which are sets of tokens that are governed by the Dynamic Asset Manager, a tool for managing assets. Other features of the DAO include the following:
SingularityNET is also bootstrapping several projects to create an ecosystem of AI-related organizations and endeavors that operate using the AGIX token. The projects can be classified in diverse verticals, including decentralized finance (DeFi), robotics, biotechnology, gaming, entertainment, and enterprise-level AI. When projects are accepted into the SingularityNET ecosystem, they get the support of an incubator with guidance and capital provided to develop and advance the projects.
SingularityNET developed a native token to be used on the platform and within its ecosystem. The token, known as AGIX, was launched during its initial coin offering (ICO) on December 19, 2017. TheIt is reported that the ICO raised $36 million in funding in approximately 60 seconds. The value of the token saw a spike in 2023 with the increase interest in AI-based platforms, like SingularityNET.
SingularityNET is a decentralized platformmarketplace for theartifical AIintelligence economyalgorithms.
SingularityNET is a company that has developed a decentralized marketplace that acts as an aggregate for artificial intelligence algorithms. TheIt companyhas wasthe foundedstated inmission 2017of bycreating Bena Goertzeldecentralized, Cassiodemocratized, Pennachininclusive, and Simonebeneficial Giacomelli,artificial ingeneral Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlandsintelligence.
The company was founded in 2017 by Ben Goertzel, Cassio Pennachin, and Simone Giacomelli, in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands.
The company has created a platform on the blockchain that allows artificial intelligence creators to coordinate and collaborate. The platformIt allowscan allbe usersleveraged includingby companies, developers, and organizations to monetize their algorithms., Algorithmswhich can be bought and sold in quantity. The core platform is a marketplace that uses the native token of SingularityNET, AGIX.
SingularityNET was born from a collective will to distribute the power of AI. The company has used the platform to build an expressive robot, Sophia. Sophia is one of the first use cases of the SingularityNET platform. The company has pooled different artificial intelligence algorithms to create Sophia allowing the robot to see, hear, and respond while displaying empathetic gestures. Many of her underlying AI modules are available open-source on SingularityNET.
AI services for purchase from developers can be found on SingularityNET's marketplace. Services can be tested by potential purchases by using a number of API-calls to assess the service before purchasing it. Users can pay for additional usage of the service by paying with AGIX or a fiat currency with the platform's Paypal integration.
SingularityNET developed a native token to be used on the platform and within its ecosystem. The token, known as AGIX, was launched during its initial coin offering (ICO) on December 19, 2017. The ICO raised $36 million in funding. The value of the token saw a spike in 2023 with the increase interest in AI-based platforms, like SingularityNET.
The company works with Wired, TechCrunch, Quartz, Huffpost, Futurism, the CoinTelegraph, Forbes, CNBC, Bitcoin, and ABC.
Holders of AGIX can use it to pay for AI services in the marketplace and utilize other projects within the SingularityNET ecosystem. The token can also be staked in SingularityNET's Ethereum-based staking portal for 30 day sessions, after which users can continue to stake or withdraw the tokens along with any reward they amassed within the previous 30 days. The company has also developed and launched its SingularityNET Bridge that allows users to transfer tokens across supported blockchain.
The decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) of the organization is called SingularityDAO.It funnels projects and users into DynaSets, which are sets of tokens that are governed by the Dynamic Asset Manager, a tool for managing assets. Other features of the DAO include:
SingularityNET is also bootstrapping several projects to create an ecosystem of AI-related organizations and endeavors that operate using the AGIX token. The projects can be classified in diverse verticals including decentralized finance (DeFi), robotics, biotechnology, gaming, entertainment, and enterprise-level AI. When projects are accepted into the SingularityNET ecosystem, they get the support of an incubator with guidance and capital provided to develop and advance the projects.
September 5, 2023
September 4, 2023
April 18, 2023
September 23, 2019
March 16, 2019
February 28, 2019
December 2017
November 22, 2017