Sprint Corporation was an American telecommunications company. It merged with T-Mobile US on April 1, 2020.
The Prague Stock Exchange (PSE) is a private company based in Prague, Czech Republic, and operates as a stock exchange, providing a marketplace for trading stocks, bonds, options, and other financial derivatives . It was founded in 1871 and is legally classified as an Akciová společnost . The PSE is owned by Wiener Börse, the Vienna Stock Exchange .
Sprint Corporation is a mobile network operator and telecommunications company based in Overland Park, Kansas, United States. The company was founded on January 1, 1899, by Cleyson L. Brown and Jacob Brown. Sprint Corporation is a public company and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the stock symbol "S". The company is a subsidiary of T-Mobile US and was previously owned by SoftBank Group.
The PSE has a business model focused on transaction processing and marketplace services . It operates in the finance, trade, commodity, stock market, investment, futures contract, financial services, bond market, option (finance), marketplace, financial derivatives, and banking industries . The PSE has between 20 and 49 employees .
Marcelo Claure serves as the CEO of Sprint Corporation, while Jane See holds the position of CFO. Richard Johnston is the company's CTO.
The Prague Stock Exchange has several subsidiaries, including the Central Securities Depository Prague, Energy Clearing Counterparty (Prague), and Prague Stock Exchange Arbitration Court . It also has a partnership with the Budapest Stock Exchange .
Sprint Corporation operates in the mobile network operator, wireless router, and telecommunications industries. The company faces competition from other entities such as Walkie Labs.
Petr Koblic serves as the CEO of the Prague Stock Exchange . The company's board of directors includes Jan Sykora, Martin Novák, Jan Vedral, and Helena Čacká .
Sprint Corporation maintains an official website at http://www.sprint.com/. The company is also active on various social media platforms, including Twitter (https://twitter.com/sprint), LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/sprint/about/), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/tmobile/), YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/TMobile/custom), and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/TMobile).
The PSE's headquarters are located at Rybná 14, 110 05 Praha 1, Czech Republic . The company can be reached via phone at +420221832150, +420221832251, +420221832820, +43153165288, +420221832146, +420221832169, and +420221832821 . The PSE also has email addresses for various inquiries: bezpecnost@pse.cz, info@pse.cz, marketdataservices@ceeseg.com, and posta@pse.cz .
Sprint Corporation can be reached at the following phone numbers: +18009378997 and +18669650526. The company's full address is Bankruptcy Legal Notices T-Mobile Bankruptcy Team PO Box 53410 Bellevue, WA 98015-3410.
The Prague Stock Exchange maintains an online presence through its official website, as well as social media accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube .
Sprint Corporation employs approximately 64,400 people, placing it in the 10,000 - 49,999 employee range.
The Prague Stock Exchange (PSE) is a private company based in Prague, Czech Republic, and operates as a stock exchange, providing a marketplace for trading stocks, bonds, options, and other financial derivatives . It was founded in 1871 and is legally classified as an Akciová společnost . The PSE is owned by Wiener Börse, the Vienna Stock Exchange .
The PSE has a business model focused on transaction processing and marketplace services . It operates in the finance, trade, commodity, stock market, investment, futures contract, financial services, bond market, option (finance), marketplace, financial derivatives, and banking industries . The PSE has between 20 and 49 employees .
The Prague Stock Exchange has several subsidiaries, including the Central Securities Depository Prague, Energy Clearing Counterparty (Prague), and Prague Stock Exchange Arbitration Court . It also has a partnership with the Budapest Stock Exchange .
Petr Koblic serves as the CEO of the Prague Stock Exchange . The company's board of directors includes Jan Sykora, Martin Novák, Jan Vedral, and Helena Čacká .
The PSE's headquarters are located at Rybná 14, 110 05 Praha 1, Czech Republic . The company can be reached via phone at +420221832150, +420221832251, +420221832820, +43153165288, +420221832146, +420221832169, and +420221832821 . The PSE also has email addresses for various inquiries: bezpecnost@pse.cz, info@pse.cz, marketdataservices@ceeseg.com, and posta@pse.cz .
The Prague Stock Exchange maintains an online presence through its official website, as well as social media accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube .
Sprint Corporation was an American telecommunications company. It merged with T-Mobile US on April 1, 2020.