Sylo is a decentralised Network, Protocol & Communications Platform founded in 2014 by Ben Jordan.
The identity used by the Sylo Protocol is a public/private key-pair derived from a mnemonic seed
phrase. It is referred to as the Sylo Identity Key (IK). The Sylo IK is the single most important piece of information a user must safeguard from both being lost and being compromised. A lost Sylo IK is irrecoverable and a compromised Sylo IK is irrevocable. The derived Sylo IK should never leave the user’s device under normal operation. When not in use, the Sylo IK should be symmetrically encrypted, and stored using the target platform’s most appropriate means of doing so. It is advised to store the mnemonic seed phrase underpinning the Sylo IK on an alternative medium altogether, as it may be required when configuring an additional device.