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Talend is an enterprise data integration software vendor. Talend delivers a single platform for data integration across public, private, and hybrid cloud, as well as on-premises environments. The company provides enterprise software solutions for big data, data integration, data management, master data management, data quality, data preparation and enterprise application integration. The company is headquartered in Redwood City, California.
Talend was founded in 2005 by Bertrand Diard and Fabrice Bonan. It was the first commercial open source software vendor of data integration software. Other vendors have since entered this market, including Apatar, Jitterbit, and Pentaho. Other data integration vendors include IBM, Informatica, SAP AG.
The company's first product, Talend Open Studio for Data Integration, was launched in October 2006, under its previous name: Talend Open Studio. In June 2008, Talend released Talend Open Studio for Data Quality under its previous name: Talend Open Profiler.
Talend is an Apache Software Foundation sponsor. Many of its engineers are contributors to Apache including Apache Spark, CXF, Camel, ServiceMix, Syncope, Karaf, Santuario and ActiveMQ as well as help guide many projects through the Apache Incubator as mentors. The company is also a member of the Java Community Process (JCP), a Solutions Member of the Eclipse Foundation and a Corporate Member of OW2.Talend publishes the code of its core modules under the Apache License.Java is the main development language of Talend’s products and services.
Its commercial partners include Uniserv. is Talend's technical community site. Sections available for users include a support forum, a wiki, bugtracker, components, tutorials and the translation tool Babili.
Talend uses the open core business model. Talend publishes the code of its core modules under the Apache License. Some features and services require commercial subscription license.