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Thermo Fisher Scientific is one of the worlds largest global distributors of life science, industrial and applied science, clinical and diagnostic, and laboratory products. Their scientific products include: analytical instruments, laboratory equipment, reagents and consumables, research software and services, manufacturing, data analysis, diagnostics, and pharmaceuticals. Their products serve to increase the pace of scientific discovery around the world and solve scientific challenges found in labs and the field.
On November 13, 2006, Thermo Electron and Fisher Scientific announced the two companies will be merging to form Thermo Fisher Scientific in a tax-free, stock for stock agreement after receiving anti-trust clearance from the European Commission. Thermo Electron acquired Fisher Scientific for $10.6 billion in stock. Each shareholders of Fisher Scientific gained 2.00 shares of common stock in Thermo Electron for every share they owned in Fisher Scientific. After the merger shareholders of Fisher Scientific owned 61 percent of the company, and shareholders of Thermo Electron owned 39 percent.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is a research and developing company with focus in life sciences. The company assists customers solve analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productivity.