A feature extractor for a convolutional neural network (CNN) is disclosed, wherein the feature extractor is deployed on a member of the group consisting of (1) a reconfigurable logic device, (2) a graphics processing unit (GPU), and (3) a chip multi-processor (CMP). A processing pipeline can be implemented on the member, where the processing pipeline implements a plurality convolution layers for the CNN, wherein each of a plurality of the convolutional layers comprises (1) a convolution stage that convolves first data with second data if activated and (2) a sub-sampling stage that performs a member of the group consisting of (i) a max pooling operation, (ii) an averaging operation, and (iii) a sampling operation on data received thereby if activated. The processing pipeline can be controllable with respect to which of the convolution stages are activated/deactivated and which of the sub-sampling stages are activated/deactivated when processing streaming data through the processing pipeline. The deactivated convolution and sub-sampling stages can remain instantiated within the processing pipeline but act as pass-throughs when deactivated. The processing pipeline performs feature vector extraction on the streaming data using the activated convolution stages and the activated sub-sampling stages.