The present disclosure provides pharmaceutical compositions for monoclonal antibodies, antibody-related products, therapeutic proteins, peptides and other biopharmaceuticals. The compositions provide initial and long term stability of the biopharmaceutical agent, rendering them suitable for parenteral, pulmonary, transdermal, topical, intradermal, intrascleral, intracorneal, ocular and other forms of delivery. The compositions and methods lead to higher yields in dilute solutions and reduce unwanted aggregation of the biopharmaceutical agent. The compositions and methods also allow for disaggregation of previously aggregated proteins and protection from aggregation upon dilution. Additionally, provided are non-aggregating antibody reagents for analytical immunoassays including ELISA methods. The invention provides compositions and methods for topical, enteral, parenteral, pulmonary and other forms of delivery of biologically active substances. Also provided is the transscleral, transcorneal or transocular delivery of high molecular weight, biologically active substances to a patient, with or without pulsed infrared (IR) light. The compositions may also incorporate nanotechnologies to formulate the active substances.